Over the last 40 days or so, I’ve had my head down, creating a new way to serve. That meant applying a high level of laser focus on the new initiative that — even for me — was uncommon. Here is one thing about this that I think is pretty remarkable.

>> I didn’t worry about money for a moment during the creation process.

Why? I strategically lent support to the products and programs of luminaries whose work I use and know to be outstanding. I referred enough new business to them as their champion and partner so my own money needs were more than taken care of IN THE MAILBOX in thanks for my quality referrals.

If you are someone who finds yourself in that “rock and a hard place” position where your products, programs and services are not yet done or perfect, you can still serve and profit in the meantime.

It is a matter of championing the ALREADY PROVEN offerings of leaders you admire in perfect timing to build that bridge to revenue while you get the rest of your own act together. It pays off. And it does my heart good to know that and share that good news with you.

If you would like to learn how, get know touch with me by email at nancy@getknowngetpaid.com, or send me a note with “Revenue In the Meantime” in the subject line so I can get back to you.  Talk soon!