I believe that everyone deserves to be heard and respected. That means paying attention and responding to requests, offers, and opportunities in a courteous, timely manner. Of course, my way isn’t necessarily the way others behave.

Over the weekend, my husband and I made an offer to make a big purchase with a 9 p.m. deadline. We anticipated hearing from the seller by the stated deadline. We were later told we would hear by noon the following day. We didn’t. The clock ticked past 1 p.m., and still no word. My husband and I had a sick feeling because we felt our offer was not treated in a timely, respectful manner. We didn’t feel seen, heard, or celebrated. In fact, we felt quite the opposite. Without getting into all the unfortunate details, we stepped away from a deal that started to smell bad when the 9 p.m. offer deadline passed without a word.

What we learned from this experience is that how we do business matters just as much as the end result. We believe in honoring deadlines, staying in considerate communication with business partners, and negotiating in a timely, fair and respectful way.

I have been very deliberate in forming business relationships with an extraordinary team of professionals who support my success. In return, I am happy to go the the mountain top with my bugle to sing their praises so their success can grow. I have also been very deliberate in attracting what I believe to be perfect clients to serve in my public relations and training work. Oprah said, “Surround yourself only with those who lift you higher,” and she was right.

So, with all that said, we move on with renewed conviction that the next deal will show up with the right partners, the right timing, the perfect price — and a respectful, timely, and considerate process. We all deserve that in whatever it is we do to make our ways in the world. To coin another phrase from Oprah, what I know for sure is that I won’t compromise on these essentials. And, it is a beautiful thing.