I started sending holiday gift guide pitches to national magazines to bring attention to a client with a delicious and heart-felt story to tell. Thanks to my subscription to Gift List Media, I have access to the names, email addresses, contact preferences, and editorial plans of the exact people at hundreds of national magazines to whom I can pitch timely, relevant, and worthwhile stories to add value to holiday gift guides in development. And, since I believe in aiming high, I started with a pitch to none other than O magazine.
Guess what? Within 15 minutes of sending my pitch, I earned a request for product samples. Now my client’s Extreme Dark Truffle Bars to benefit breast cancer charities just might earn the ink. Because I read PR Secrets Founder Susan Harrow’s book on how to appeal to decision makers at The Oprah Winfrey Show and O magazine — and because I am an avid viewer of the show and reader of the magazine — the right words just flowed. Here is the information I shared in my pitch:
Oprah appreciates exquisite packaging and extraordinarily good taste perhaps more than anyone. And doing good matters most of all. That is why I am proud to share with you the family of truffle bars from none other than Seattle Chocolate Company (www.seattlechocolates.com.) Each has undergone an “Extreme Makeover” to debut sassy, contemporary packaging this coming August that looks just as delicious as the bars taste when they touch your lips. Now, “What Happiness Tastes Like™” and “What Happiness Looks Like” can be enjoyed one delicious bite at a time. Best of all, 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the company’s Extreme Dark Truffle Bar — the best selling bar in the line — will benefit breast cancer charities. These products dressed in their new packages will soon be available in well over 12,000 retail, grocery, and drug stores across the nation and via the company’s online store. Attached are images of the sassy new packaging for the entire line and an image of the fuchsia-colored Extreme Dark Truffle Bar. It would be a pleasure to send samples for your tasting pleasure. It would be a dream come true to earn a placement among Oprah’s Favorite Things at any time of the year — and holiday in particular. Here is a link to the company’s online press room to make it easy for you to learn more about a company very passionate about all things chocolate — that operates with heart to benefit women everywhere: https://www.seattlechocolates.com/AboutUs/PressRoom/tabid/299/Default.aspx. Seattle Chocolate Company is a successful, woman owned company that generates well over $12 million a year in annual revenues. And its owner Jean Thompson is proof positive that life beyond 40 is super sweet indeed. At 47, Thompson is fit, fabulous, fulfilled, and forever grateful that her passion for premium chocolate is making women all across the nation happy every day, everywhere they live, work, and shop.Thank you for your consideration.
Now I believe in the power of positive intentions as much or more than most people, and these products do taste fabulous, look great, and make a difference for women everywhere. Now, the product just has to earn its stripes with the folks at O magazine, and I can’t wait to tell you how that turns out. In the meantime, if you have products that are well suited for holiday gift guide consideration at top national magazines, now is the time to start making your pitches. Invite more publicity success with greater ease by subscribing to Gift List Media today. Just one amazing placement in a prestigious magazine like O could be just the ticket to make your investment more than worthwhile. Aim high. Reach for the stars. And believe that great placements are waiting. When you prepare well, target your pitch, and deliver a compelling message, you’ll enlist interest so your business can take flight. What are you waiting for?