Did you know that you can sign up for a fabulous service called PR Leads that funnels active media leads direct to your inbox for your timely and compelling reply? I subscribe to a similar service for PR firms called ProfNet, and it is fabulous. Within the first ten days of initiating my subscription, I earned five national media placements for clients and for myself.

For example, just yesterday, I was asked to call a nationally syndicated columnist about a story pitch I made about champagne marketing on a beer budget. The columnist said, “You get an A+ for responding to this query. Your reply made clear that you had visited my website, reviewed prior columns, and prepared a submission that was exactly on target for my needs.” He added, “Thanks for making my job easier.”

Best of all, my 400-word deadly sins of media relations column is slated to run in the January 23, 2008 issue of the Small Business Professor column that runs in 400 Scripps Howard News Service newspapers across the country, bringing these tips to many thousands of buzz seeking business owners just as the New Year debuts. How cool is that?

There is a modest monthly fee to subscribe to PR Leads. Based on my own experience, it is well worth it, especially if more success with greater ease is on your list of business priorities now and in the New Year.

By the way, I’ve received 50 requests since Friday for the Authentic Visibility E-Book that is a compilation of my Snohomish County Business Journal newspaper columns for 2006-2007. If you’d like to receive this gift, just send me an email at nancy@nsjmktg.com, or sign up for the Authentic Visibility ezine and receive it as an immediate download. It’s my gratitude gift of the season from me to you. Enjoy.