Last Friday was the date of the second Publici-Tea™ half-day training event to empower small business owners with the tools and insights they need to get seen, heard, and celebrated in their own backyards and beyond through the impact and credibility of free publicity. Check out the fabulous comments from event guests:

“If you are tired of wasting your advertising budgets, Nancy’s session is a great way to evaluate how PR could launch your lead generation.


Rose Smith,The Alternative Board,


“I really enjoyed the Publici-Tea™ event… Definitely valuable and worth more than $300! Value-added for sure. I was feeling overwhelmed before I came in. I am leaving with a very clear sense of direction and the steps I need to take to get there.”


Robin Daly,Daly’s Paint & Decorating,,

“I highly recommend this 5-hour immersion in practical publicity education by warm, entertaining Nancy. I walked away with a world of information to act on now.”


Deborah Shields,SoulStar Healing Arts,


“Nancy has a warm, generous spirit that under girds the whole info-packed presentation. I feel informed and encouraged both as a business owner an an individual. Thanks so much, Nancy!”


Margit Crane, Family Relationship Specialist,


“Wow! What a bang for the buck. I felt like Nancy was consulting with me personally. Plus, there were nine other professionals to add ideas. I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful seminar. I felt like I walked away with tangible information which will definitely help our business. The seminar went way above and beyond. It definitely exceeded my expectations! Keep up the good work. I can tell this is what you were meant to do.”


Darla Schild,


“Nancy is an energized, enthusiastic presenter who knows her material. The information was practical and well-organized. I left this session ready to get started.”


Annie Skipper,Eastside TM Program,


“I value Nancy’s friendly and approachable style, combined with her willingness to really help. She really personalized her advice in a comfortable environment. She is energetic, articulate, and very helpful. I feel enlightened.”


Dianne Cumberland,

“It was a pleasure to attend the Publici-Tea™ training you offered.  You are the answer to the business owner’s PR nightmare. You are able to take a complex field and make it easy and do-able. Your seminar series is one of the best investments I have ever made. I recommend to everyone to sign up now, before you are an international talent and it costs more.”

Doug Peterson, Business Development Group,

If you’ve decided that 2008 is the year you and your business are finally going to come out of the darkness and into the media spotlight, register today for the January 18, 2008 Publici-Tea™. There are still seats available. And, oh by the way, training expenses are tax deductible, which makes this an even more timely and relevant opportunity to invest in your own success. Register today!