Are you confused about what constitutes derivative content? Christopher Knight, founder of Ezine Articles, clears up the confusion in this useful video.
I started writing and submitting articles for Ezine Articles starting in April of 2006. That was when I started my journey in earnest to earn a reputation as an expert in my field of do-it-yourself publicity. Now, there are 20 of my articles posted there. The reports function of the service tells me that 7,391 people have viewed them, 692 people have read my profile, and 282 people have published my articles in their ezines.
What I love about Ezine Articles is that if offers all of us a platform to share our expertise with a much wider audience. When you write quality content, it travels far and wide, bringing new followers and fans for you and your work.
Authentic Visibility Challenge for Today: Make the decision TODAY to write and post a quality article to Ezine Articles. Set the intention that you will write at least one article a quarter with the goal that other ezine authors will be publishing your work and bringing your message to a much wider audience. Pretty soon, you’ll have far more followers and fans of your work than you do today, and many of them will be from all over the world. That, my friends, is a beautiful thing.