A lot of people tell me they are attracted to the “Get seen, heard, and celebrated in your own backyard … and beyond” message I use to capture the essence of my company’s brand.  I always tell people I came to this tag line by learning at the feet of Suzanne Falter-Barns, the founder of Get Known Now.  That’s Suzanne at left. She taught an Extraordinary Business Builders class that I took a couple of years ago.  It made a huge difference in my branding and the impact and success I’ve enjoyed in my business of sharing DIY publicity tips, resources, and advice.

I didn’t want to delegate the task of branding my company to anyone else.  I just knew if I had the right guide, I could get the the right message and do so with a budget that didn’t break the bank.  And I did with Suzanne’s help.  I can honestly say that my investment in this course has had a TREMENDOUS positive impact on my business that is priceless beyond measure.   And I can measure the results at the bottom line, too.

If you are wondering if your branding is on target and need a guiding hand from an expert who can help you get the message right once and for all, I can’t say enough about what this class did for me.  If you visit “The N List” page at this blog, you can easily click on Get Known Now to learn more and sign up.

The next Extraordinary Business Builders class starts on February 26.   Do yourself a favor and learn more about it.  Now it is a year-long program that takes you from soup to nuts and includes getting the look of the blog right, social media, and even a nod to public speaking.  If you act by Feb. 1, you can save $500 overall.

I came to my “Get seen, heard, and celebrated” message on Christmas Day of 2006.  What a gift that was!  Soon after, I shared that message in all of my materials, through this blog, my newspaper column, and just about everything else I do.   It’s been a great, on-target message to share that is resonating beautifully and making an emotional connection that invites perfect clients to my service.  If more perfect clients were to show up to benefit from what you offer, how much better would life and work be?  Think about it.

I am proud to be one of Suzanne’s star students and success stories posted to her blog.  You can have the same success if you just get into gear and sign up to benefit.   You will be glad that you did.  Walk, don’t run.  This is well worth doing.  This I know for sure.