OK.  I admit it.  I am officially both intoxicated and overwhelmed by all the social media avenues that are debuting and creating such a stir among buzz seeking business owners.  Folks everywhere are in a rush to create loyal followers to their Twitter accounts, invite friends to their social media networks, and add widgets and other goodies to their blogs and web pages.  Everyone want to be up-to-date on the latest hot social media trends.  It’s all a bit too much for even this media maven to handle.

Besides, even the folks at Twitter have yet to figure out how to monetize the amazing community now forming there.  Have you figured out how to make it work for you and your business?  Inquiring minds are writing about it and wanting to know more.  From where I sit, the jury is still most definitely out on this question at this point in time.

No matter what the next “big thing” turns out to be, I am a big fan of staying consistent and true to the five most powerful lead generation methods that deliver impact and value for my clients and for my business.   Have you stopped to consider how all your various social networking activities are actually contributing to your business results? I have.  As I review business results for the first quarter, I know for sure that these are the ingredients that deliver the impact for the bottom line:

  1. Doing great work and delivering quality media results for my clients to earn their loyalty and their quality referrals through PR service and quality Publici-Tea™ and Winning Bio Writing Workshops.
  2. Posting regularly to this do-it-yourself publicity blog and my three favorite social networks to build community among buzz-seeking business owners.  I’ve been fortunate to earn many new guests to my Publici-Tea™ and Winning Bio Writing Workshops as a direct result of the contributions I make to these social networks.  (By the way, my favorite social networks include Biznik.com, Twitter, and Contribution Networking Party.  BizNik welcomes my article submissions, Twitter makes it easy to share useful DIY publicity tips with my followers and shows me proof daily that my following is growing, and CNP is just a fun way to stay connected with cool people I like who are making meaningful contributions to the marketplace and the community.)
  3. Writing my “Media Savvy” column for the Puget Sound Business Journal.
  4. Speaking regularly to groups of business owners through keynotes, breakout sessions or media interviews and connecting with people personally at in-person networking sessions.
  5. Communicating at least monthly with my ezine subscribers.
  6. Finding win-win-win ways to work with referral and alliance partners to invite more success for all.

These activities most definitely deliver impact for my business.   They require a fair amount of my time, too.  Adding new ingredients to the social media marketing mix is something to ponder and consider.  However, if it means taking my eye off the balls that I know deliver results where I need them the most, I will tread carefully.

What about you?  What are you doing to manifest fabulous results in your business?  And to what extent are your social networking efforts delivering results where you most need them?  Inquiring minds want to know!  Please share specifics so others can benefit from the wisdom and depth of your experience.