Every Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Workshop has earned guest raves of satisfaction, and that brings me great joy while empowering my guests to earn their own winning publicity on a do-it-yourself basis.

I am aiming for another sold out event for Friday, June 13 at The Village Bellevue from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. There are just five spaces left. Check your calendar and see if you can make it a priority to invest time and attention to learn how to invite media attention to shine on your growing business.

During the event, I cover DIY publicity, including blogging and social networking basics. And, blogging expert Betsy Talbot is my special guest this time.  She will dig into the details about blogging as a powerful relationship and buzz building tool that you can deploy to your benefit.

Plus, I’ve compiled quite an extensive list of frequently asked publicity questions over the last six months of Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Workshops, and this special report is a new element of the event that offers even more value in exchange for your investment of time and money.

Read the glowing testimonials and register at this link to assure your place.   The June 13 event is the last Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Workshop on the calendar until September 12. Get inspired about do-it-yourself publicity before the dog days of summer set in. You’ll be glad that you did, and I can’t wait to meet you.