None of us succeeds alone. Chances are, you’ve lent or received support or elected to collaborate in some way with experts who serve your market. I’d venture to say that you’ve learned your share of lessons along the way.

Having participated in scores and scores of collaborations and joint venture partnerships over the years with excellent results, I’ve learned a thing or two about with whom I should collaborate.

Maybe some of these questions will help you make the right choices right out of the gate.

These answers help you come to a truth that can be your guiding light:

>> If it’s not a fit, you must not commit.

>> When it IS a fit, you know it — much like peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots, and best friends who like reading from the same books.

Here are some questions I want to answer with a smile or a YES.

Maybe these will help you come to the right head-heart-gut-level decisions:

  • When you see their name in your inbox or hear their voice or see their face on a video, you:
    • Smile   __
    • Cringe  __
  • When you see their name in your caller ID, you:
    • Smile   __
    • Cringe __
  • Would you look forward to sharing a glass of your favorite beverage with this person?
    • Yes  __
    • No  ___
  • Does this expert teach on a topic that interests you personally?
    • Yes  ___
    • No  ___
  • Does this expert teach on a topic that bridges a gap not met by your own expertise, products and programs?
    • Yes  ___
    • No   ___
  • Is the tone of voice and overall message the right vibe for your tribe? My people lean more toward the practical with a splash of mindset as opposed to the spiritual with a splash of the practical. My people are mature adults who take chatter, prize drawings, and cheer leading in small doses.  If your offer is squarely focused on manifesting and woo, my tribe is likely not for you.
    • Yes ___
    • No ___
  • Do you feel called to LIFT UP an up and coming expert by lending championship and advocacy to their initiative?
    • Yes  ___
    • No  ____
  • You you feel inspired to REACH UP to an expert you admire because it feels like a genuine act of service to your own community?
    • Yes  ___
    • No ___
  • Can both parties refer XX or more quality leads to the other so the exchange of advocacy feels productive for all?
    • Yes  ___
    • No  ___
  • Do the parties have a pattern of making and keeping their commitments?
    • Yes ___
    • No  ___
  • Does the offer being showcased have social proof from graduates who paid to be in the program and said great things about their results?
    • Yes ___
    • No  ___
  • Does the potential relationship have the potential to be lasting as opposed to serving as a one night stand or one shot deal?
    • Yes ___
    • No  ___
  • Does the relationship FEEL like a good fit based on what’s going on in your head, heart and gut?
    • Yes ___
    • No  ___

My Perfect JV Partners:

  • Bridge a specific gap not yet met by my own programs with a proven solution with social proof and demonstrated sales;
  • Can refer XX or more leads during an interview, email campaign, social media support or other avenue to bring timely support to the event at hand and receive a similar level of support in return;
  • Have engaged lists of opt in subscribers, Facebook group members, and other fans/followers with whom to share the good news about the conversion event at hand;
  • Allow proper notice to plan and execute support as opposed to reaching out at the 11th hour for what I have come to call the “JV booty call.”
  • Are often graduates of my own program. Those who know my work and have already benefitted from it often become my best champions and advocates.
  • Know the JV landscape. That means they keep in touch about results and learning; recognize their top partners by name;  are receptive to giving and receiving quality introductions and referrals, and go ALL IN when they say YES to lending support. My ideal JV partners enjoy hosting live interviews and send messages to their tribe within the designated promotional window. On the practical level, they know how to use and test JV links for accuracy and reliability for all parties.

JV Partners -- "If it's not a fit, you must not commit" and other truisms from the collaboration trenchesI lead the Podcast Visibility Live Lab  (PVLL) twice or more times every calendar year. It’s a multi-day virtual training through which I guide messengers to learn my 6P system — prepare, position, prioritize, pitch, ping-pong, and profit — to book themselves on the right podcasts.  In doing so, they are never hungry for an audience ever again and need never hire an expensive booking agency or let technology or overwhelm take them out.

The PVLL is the conversion event through which I invite the right clients to engage with me in the tuition-based Broadcast Your Brilliance Boot Camp. JV Partners -- "If it's not a fit, you must not commit" and other truisms from the collaboration trenchesThe promise of this program is that participants will book themselves on 4-12 of the right podcasts within 12 weeks –or something better!  I’ll use my velvet boot of accountability to make sure they get what they came for and so much more.  When you refer sales to this program, you win, too.  I love writing partner checks.

The Next Question:

Could it be that the content I deliver bridges a gap not yet met by your own amazing programs?   Could it be that we are destined to be lasting partners who support each other’s success?

Here’s a link to a page on my website that shows my pattern of contribution and support to my best partners through the years.

If you already know that you want to advocate for the next Podcast Visibility Live Lab, join our partner program right now.    

I’ll be in touch to make it easy and fun to advocate for this event.

Oh by the way, I lead a Facebook group called Nancy’s Awesome JV Partners, and it’s a great connection place for learning, creating new relationships, and getting lessons and insights from recent launches.

If you have already built and nurtured a 10,000 member email opt in list and are already running a six-figure business, you qualify as a member of this very exclusive community.

If you’re eager to reach this level of success, I host semi-private JV VIP Days from time to time to reveal all my ninja strategies and systems for being a great JV partner and creating abiding and lasting JV relationships.  If that is interesting to you, reach out by email at and mention “JV VIP Day” in the subject line.  We can talk about it!