Home 2014

Elevate Your Marketing Message.

Make Bigger Impact.

Work with Even Better Clients.

Let’s start with my big idea, and here it is:

Authors, Experts, and Emerging Speakers will never GET KNOWN AND PAID until they figure out a MEMORABLE WAY to name, claim, share, and sell what they bring to market. If your success is stalled because some of these pieces are missing, I can help.

  • Are you serious about getting found, referred and hired by the right clients to benefit from your specific and terrific arena of brilliant expertise?

  • Are you struggling to get your message out in a much bigger way fueled by credibility, authority, and proof behind your claims?

  • Is getting this done with heart, authenticity, and smartsfaster and with more ease your highest priority?

Having once struggled with the same issues, I am on the other side today to share very good news.

  • You really can make a big name for yourself and welcome the  rewards you seek … premium clients, speaking gigs, media opportunities, and CONTROL OVER YOUR DESTINY.

  • Since 2001, I’ve guided thousands of action taking clients around the globe like you to take powerful steps to Get Known and Paid for their expertise. Along the way, I have created big buzz for my own expertise and built a profitable training/mentoring business and a great quality of life.

  • If you want to achieve these or even better results, saving months or years of time, toil, and trouble, I can help light your way.

  • You won’t get lost in the crowd working with me because of this simple PROFOUND and abiding belief:

There is no greater gift than to SEE, HEAR, CELEBRATE, HELP AND CHAMPION big success for those willing to roll up their sleeves to do the work. This philosophy underscores every move I make in service to action-taking clients on missions for good & profit.

Called to Learn More? Request a VIP Chat with Me!

Read some of the success case studies below. And when you LOVE what you read and want those results or something better yourself, send me an email at nancy@getknowngetpaid.com to request a VIP Chat with me.

I promise to deliver an “aha” insight to call you forward and make you very glad for having invested the time. 

It’s Your Story. Tell It Well.

Nancy Juetten


“I started out charging $25 per gig and have raised my fees to $2500. Best of all, my literary agent has enlisted interest in my book from nine big publishing houses.”


“When I started my work with Nancy, I was running my medical spa business full-time and doing well. But I was called to write a book and speak to make a bigger difference through my work. Within less than six months, Nancy guided me from the dream in my head into greatness. I amped up my bio, turned a five chapter manuscript into a thirteen chapter book and am now a sought after keynote speaker. This year alone, I have been a featured guest on multiple podcasts, radio and television shows. When the student is ready, the right teacher appears. Thank you Nancy.”

Dr. Susan O’Malley

Tough Cookies Cover Draft 10

Author of Tough Cookies Don’t Crumble: Turn Set-Backs into Success

Founder of SonasMedSpa.com

“Thank you Nancy for making me the Permission to Charge™ Mentor. With your encouragement I can say I’ve taken this phrase to the bank and QUADRUPLED my revenue from the previous year.”


“After already being a successful entrepreneur, I couldn’t figure out why starting my business coaching business was so hard! I had learned from all the gurus and taken the group courses and then I knew I needed to choose a mentor who could help me turn things around. I met Nancy Juetten. Nancy encouraged me, while kicking and screaming to release my old brand, (which nobody seemed to understand) and carve out my new niche, using the very words my ideal clients had given me: Permission to Charge™ With her encouragement I changed my messaging, rebranded my website and finally clients understood the problem that I solved. The Charge your Worth problem that is! I became the CEO and Founder of Permission to Charge™. Referrals started coming in from other coaches, better speaking engagements came to me and I finally put myself on the map. I went from making $15,000 in one year to $100,000 the very next year. And now, through teaching my clients to give themselves permission to charge and sell their own high end offers, I am celebrating a 31K month. Nancy’s honest feedback and her gentle nudges helped me to finally become known and paid very well for work that I do.”

Jessica Riverson, Permission to Charge Mentor™ & Business Coach, www.permissiontocharge.com

“Nancy is the Ultimate Rock Star Maker!”

“I transformed from zero online presence to the NUMBER ONE placement on Google search for College Career Strategist…”


Elizabeth Venturini, CollegeandCareerResults.com