“Dancing with the Stars” is a reality TV program that captured America’s imagination — and the viewing habits of a toe-tapping nation. Helio and Julianne danced their way into viewers’ hearts as they won the “Dancing with the Stars” trophy on Tuesday night. It is no wonder that every morning talk show the day after the big win talked about their performance, interviewed them for their show, or asked them dance for their viewers. No doubt, fabulous new opportunities to perform and benefit will soon unfold for the winners. That’s what happens with big prize wins. One good thing often leads to another.
It’s not just media darlings like Helio and Julianne who can benefit from award wins. Business owners with winning ways of their own can benefit, too, provided they use the power of publicity to share their stories.
One of the biggest mistakes award winners make is forgetting to tell decision makers who influence buying decisions about their winning ways. There you are, in a large group of award winners in your own industry, and you never get around to telling the people who can buy your services about the latest award you won or recognition you received from your industry. Humility, fear of not knowing what to do, or lack of time are some of the reasons for that. I invite you to get over all three of these objections right away, and I can help you with that with today’s audio file which talks about how to make your award wins pay off.
Don’t just enjoy the limelight and preach to the choir. Free publicity can be a powerful partner in attracting new client engagements to your door, provided you get into action to communicate why your wins matter.
Last night, I spoke before the members of the Seattle Chapter of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen at their International Gallery Awards gala about how to make award wins pay off for brand and reputation. If you are an award winner with keen intentions to earn new engagements and better clients and invite even better employees to join your team, listen to the audio file for some useful and proven tips to help you get the mission accomplished. Click on the pressroom of my site to listen to the 11-29-07 audio file at this link:
There are some great tips within this audio file, though they are a little tough to dance to.