Public speaking can be a powerful way to build buzz about your expertise and be of service to others. Article writing for the local media packs a punch, as well. Stacy Karacostas, founder of SuccessStream and the author of a fabulous workbook that helps small business owners craft a winning marketing plan to get on the road to success, is getting a taste of the benefits first hand.
A few months ago, I alerted her and my ezine subscribers to a media opportunity in the Snohomish County Business Journal that would offer women business owners the chance to share expertise and add value to the Business Women 2007 special supplement within this local business journal. Stacy jumped on that opportunity and pitched an article about common copywriting mistakes. She earned an assignment, and the article debuted in this month’s issue of the newspaper.
Then, a few weeks ago, Stacy asked me how to alert the media to her upcoming engagements. I showed her how and shared a list of my favorite print and online venues. Presto. Bingo. Meeting notices started to show up in many of the local papers. Then, as a special favor, I wrote to Ben Miller, the editor of the Small Business Bulletin for the Puget Sound Business Journal, suggesting why Stacy’s commentary would add value for his readers. Not long after that, Ben interviewed Stacy about the deadly marketing mistakes small business people make and why to avoid them.
Stacy knows for sure that she has attracted more people to her workshops as a result of the calendar postings. And, she has had a number of people email to extend kudos about the interview. And, at least one person has gotten in touch to invite her to speak.
When asked about the results she has enjoyed so far as a result of this favorable press, Stacy said, ” Overall, I’d say it is definitely helping to get my name out there and build credibility, even if I haven’t yet landed any new clients or made additional sales yet. From what I can tell, I have had an increase in Website traffic, as well, though it is hard to be sure without spending more time comparing months since we are only part way into September. And, I’ve had some other things going on that would also drive traffic. Of course, now I get to start leveraging the two articles. I’ve already put the link to the Snohomish County Business Journal article on my site, and I am getting ready to use that in this week’s newsletter. And, I plan to send copies of the interview to all my clients as well as post it in PDF format on my site. I am sure these actions will cause equal or greater reactions.”
The Authentic Visibility tips that led to these results are now integrated into the way Stacy does business. Her actions going forward will yield even greater results to come. Of that, I have no doubt.