Do you realize that the moment you decide to write a book, you can begin to leverage that fact to attract new clients and revenue? You can learn how from my highly-acclaimed teleseminar guest John Eggen.
In fact, his methods to do it cost little or nothing, and take only minutes or seconds to use. Authors that John has taught them to have reported using them and generating $22,000 to $150,000 in new revenues from their book, before even completing a first draft (and more thereafter).
Here are three of the ultra-simple ways to do it:
1. Turn Every Email You Send into a Client Magnet
The first easy technique to attract new clients is to create an email signature line that announces you are authoring a book.
Then place the title in the signature line for your emails using these exact words: “Author of the forthcoming book, (insert your title and subtitle here).”
It’s that simple.
Independent professional Jeanna Pool, tried it. She reported, “I got two new clients and $25,000.00 in income, all within 30 days of starting my book. It took just three minutes to use John Eggen’s simple technique.”
2. Turn All Your Introductions into Business Magnets
Another proven way to attract new business is to simply announce the title and subtitle of your forthcoming book in all the prepared introductions about you.
This includes introductions made by others, or you, in all your public presentations, your marketing materials, on your Web site, in your bio, in your media kit, etc.
This only takes a few minutes to do.
Kathleen Holland tested it while she was writing the first draft of her book. She reported, “In just the first four months, I booked an extra $48,000 in fees to me. Now I have more inquiries for my coaching programs than I can handle.”
3. Put Your Elevator Speech or Audio Logo on Steroids
You can also add news about your forthcoming book into your elevator speech or audio logo and automatically attract more business.
Independent professional Michael Cannon learned how from John and started using this method as soon as he started writing his book’s first draft.
Cannon reported, “I’ve been getting 30-40% more first meetings with CEO prospects and a 25% increase in those who closed. I’ve also been getting less negotiation on price, because they perceive me as an authority.”
Use two or more of these “no-brainer” methods and you can multiply your results.
Want to learn more? Opt-in to listen to the Thursday, June 24 teleseminar interview at 5 p.m. PST with Book Publishing Mentor John Eggen. Just over 180 people have already opted in. Won’t you join them? Here is the link to make it easy.
“See” you on the call.