I love it when Publici-Tea™ graduates get into action to tell their stories and earn a much wider audience for their message.   A few weeks ago, I saw a query that was right on target for Betsy Talbot, so I sent it her way for reply.  She got into action, applied the lessons she learned about responding in a winning way to a media query, and got her sound bites in order via this radio interview with Janet Vasil of Your Media Moment and Beyond.   Listen in to learn how Betsy designed her life to allow for a year-round trip with her husband Warren around the world.

[audio: https://www.yourmediamoment.com/your_media_momentand_beyo/2010/02/betsy-talbot-interview.html]

By the way, if you want to be a Publici-Tea™ graduate, let me make it easy for you.  Starting March 1, when you purchase the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide, you get the Publici-Tea™ Express Digital Workshop as a BONUS GIFT.   You can learn all the lessons Betsy has learned so well.  And, if you want to go deeper in your learning, you can then rent my PR brain by the hour at Publici-Tea™ graduate rates.   Such a deal!

This is all part of my nine-year business anniversary sale, which starts on Monday.

People continue to RAVE about the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide, and here is a testimonial I received just today from Kelly Wise of One Woman Marketing:

“As a professional copywriter, I thought I knew everything when it came to writing bios. But Nancy’s ‘Bye-Bye Boring Bio Action Guide‘ gave me tons of new insight. Her worksheets helped me add humor and credibility to my existing bio, and inspired several unique talking points for speeches and networking events. Now, I recommend the Action Guide to almost everyone I know.” 

So, if you want what Betsy Talbot is having, treat yourself to the anniversary sale and get into action on the abundant audio and written materials that are part of the bundle.   You’ll be so glad you did.