Today someone called me and asked, “What kind of publicist are you?” After somewhat of a pregnant pause, I replied, “A good one.” The person on the other end of the phone laughed. I wasn’t sure if she was amused by my brevity or my confidence. When I asked her if she had taken the time to visit my website or blog, I wasn’t amused by her answer. She said, “No.”

The business of public relations is all about seeing, hearing, and celebrating others for their winning ways and developing good relationships with those with the influence to take your story far and wide. If you want to earn my attention to deliver those benefits for your growing business, at least do me the courtesy of reviewing my website or blog to gain some familiarity with what I do and how I deliver the goods before you call and ask me to pay attention to you. You’d be surprised how many calls I get every week from people who don’t take this essential step. It is very revealing, and not in a good way.