Earlier this year, I met Master of Enrollment Coach Bill Baren at an Info Guru Summit in San Francisco, CA  hosted by Action Plan Marketing Founder Robert Middleton. After spending the weekend getting to know him, learning about his client-conversion methods during a teleseminar I hosted, and taking his “Master of Enrollment” program myself, I am absolutely convinced of the value he delivers and am experiencing meaningful revenue growth in my business as a result.

That’s why I know you will enjoy tuning into his new video series so you can benefit, too. It’s complimentary to view the videos, and what you do with the information he shares will be priceless beyond measure, provided you act on what you learn. This I know for sure because I have practiced every lesson and felt the impact in my business. I would wish the same for you.

As Bill says, when you’re talking with potential clients, how many times have you heard them say…“This all sounds really great but I can’t afford it right now. Let me think about it…” How frustrating! So many things can go wrong during a consultation with a potential client. The good news is that there ARE effective ways to have one-on-one conversations that turn potential clients into paying clients excited to work with you.

Bill Baren has created a free video training series that will open your eyes to new strategies and tactics for having potential clients enthusiastically say YES! to your services. All of this in a way that feels authentic and takes away the feeling of being pushy. It’s called “How To Enroll New High-Paying Clients Without Doing Any ‘Selling.” Watch this free video training here.

In this content-rich video training you’ll learn:

●       3 methods you can use during conversations with potential clients that can DOUBLE the number of people who hire you – without being pushy or sales-y

●       How to overcome the biggest paralyzing fear which may be stopping you from getting clients. (Bill will guide you through a powerful “mindset shift” so you can feel a lot more comfortable asking potential clients for your fees)

●       How to turn the dreaded response of “I can’t afford it” or “I have to talk to my spouse” into the perfect opportunity for you to land a new client

●       Have you ever had someone say “Yes” to your high-value services, only to change their mind a few days later? You’ll learn a simple step-by-step process to ensure that a new client stays on board and excited – no more mind-changing!

●       A proven 5-step system for making money and enrolling new clients through speaking engagements and teleseminars. (And if you’ve never done a speaking engagement or teleseminar before, this will make it surprisingly easy for you to get started)

You’ll even get to listen to a unedited recording of a consultation where he landed a $1,300/month client, so you can learn his formula for a successful enrollment consultation. If you want to have high-value clients of your own, check out this amazing resource at this link.

Bill has many powerful secrets he’s personally used in his own business that he will reveal in this special series of videos. And, he knows what he’s talking about. Bill reports that 80% of the potential clients he talks to say YES to hiring him as a coach. (And by the way, this is for high-value coaching programs.)

So there you have it. We all know that having one-on-one consultations, leading teleseminars, and speaking on a stage are effective ways to bring in potential clients. But, getting people to pay for your services is not always easy. That’s what Bill’s videos will show you how to do, so I recommend that you check them out here.