I got a fun email from Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Mike Michalowicz this morning regarding his blog post from yesterday offering a compilation of success tips from mom entrepreneurs. He reports the following:
“I typed in ‘mom entrepreneur success’ and whamo we are on the front page, 1st spot in Google. Feeling a little bold (the coffee helped) I tried ‘mom entrepreneur success strategies’, ‘mom entrepreneur strategies’ and this was a little crazy ‘how mom entrepreneurs manage it all’. Hot dog! All of them front page Google.”
That is good for all the moms who contributed tips to the post because that makes it easy for people interested in learning from these moms to visit their websites or blogs to see what they have brewing. Since I am one of them (Tip 68), that is certainly good news for me.
From a blogging standpoint, I say “Brilliant” to Michael. He involved his blog readers in sharing their useful tips. He chose 107 of them to be featured. No doubt, most of them blog, Twitter, participate in social networks, and have other ways of spreading the word. I am venturing a guess that just about every one of those 107 mom entrepreneurs shared their message with their followers, which explains why this post is earning such powerful attention. And Michael’s blog traffic is likely escalating in an even more powerful way.
If you are a blogger, can you model a similar kind of post to serve your readers? Based on the impact Michael has had with this post, that certainly offers powerful food for thought. Tribes are powerful, so Seth Godin writes in his best-selling book by the same title. Moms as a tribe rock for building community and making things happen. It’s a beautiful thing — especially when the tips they share can help others advance along their own journeys to the sweet success they seek. How can you enlist the interest and action of your tribe to make magic manifest for an idea, product, or service that captures your attention and the attention of Google? With some brilliance on your part, great results await.