My holiday wish is for the gift of the “virtual Publici-Tea™ workshop experience” to be enjoyed by 100,000 people around the world who sign up at between now and Christmas. If you reach for the moon, you just might land on a star!
That is my wish for everyone out there who is ready to take action to get known as the experts they know themselves to be.
With that said and to inspire you into action, check out the video series in the post immediately above — created by the amazing Brad Tollefson of VLST Media. He really is a fantastic storyteller with video as his medium of choice. You’d do well to engage him to capture the magic of your events in the New Year. Just a suggestion …
Today’s video features Book Publishing Coach and Best Selling Author Patrick Snow inspiring the audience with tips and insights to turn your areas of passion into books that fuel your prosperity.
Video #4 features event guest Amy Woidke who chimes in with enthusiasm about the next steps she intends to take, based on the inspiration she gained from both me and Patrick.
Video #3 featues glowing comments from Date to Mate Coach Katherin Scott and Femme Finance Radio Host Debbie Whitlock.
Video #2 gives a powerful shout out to our event sponsors. It takes a village, and I am so glad to have these fine folks in my village: Debbie Whitlock, Diane Bridgwater, Gina O’Daniel, Cindy Tyler, Sarah Schosboek, John Wheeler, Zita Gustin, and Craig Cross. Check it out below!
The first wish shares a sassy sound bite from Executive Business Coach Sue Clement about “the vacuum cleaner paradigm.” It’s not enough to have a vacuum. You have to plug it in and push it around if you want to scoop up the dirt. The same holds true for earning expert status. You have to get your story together and share it if you want to scoop up a world of opportunity for your business.