Today is my son’s 1th birthday, and I am so grateful for his life and proud of the great little person he is becoming. His birth gave me the reason to start my business, and I am grateful for that, too.
I’ve been having the time of my life hosting these Publici-Tea™ events since last November, and these events are a joy for me to share with others. Receiving amazing testimonials from my guests reinforces that I am on the right track in my service to business owners. Check out this post and this one and this one too that earned places on influential blogs this morning.
One of the things I teach my Publici-Tea™ guests is to have the courage to ask for what they want because when you ask for what you want, you often get what you ask for. That being said, allow me to be bold in making a request of my own.
I want to enlist support and advocacy to support others’ success powerfully with at least two Publici-Tea™ events each month that exceed expectations, build buzz, and empower others to help themselves. If the testimonials I reference above resonate with you and others you know, thank you in advance for thinking about how the Publici-Tea events, training, and Authentic Visibility publicity products can serve. Then, invite me to be of service in these ways. It would be my pleasure.