A few weeks ago, Master Business Coach Jeanna Gabellini challenged a world of inspired business experts to double their profits and fun. As one of her joint venture partners, I decided to put her lessons to the test in my own business to see what magic could manifest.  I don’t just advocate for my partners. I use their products, read their books, and prove to myself beyond a shadow of the doubt that they are worthy every moment and every precious dollar to bring in the benefit.

So, what has happened in my business and financial life in the past few weeks?  Let me share the evidence.

  • The IRS sent me a letter, letting me know that I had overpaid my taxes by four-figures.
  • My husband and I decided to apply for a home mortgage refinance.  With two self-employed folks in our household, the paperwork can be daunting.  We are excited to be in good position to demonstrate the profits in our respective businesses to qualify. And, provided the home appraisal comes in as expected, this effort has the potential to save us many thousands of dollars over the life of the loan and release discretionary dollars we can enjoy right away.
  • Two of my favorite clients in the Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Program asked to renew their programs and paid in full by check.
  • My “Bio Doc is In” call coming up on June 12 has already welcomed more than 400 opt in registrations, and they keep coming by the dozen every day.
  • I gave an interview for Milana Leshinsky and Rich German in service to their JVIC private membership group that was so well received that two new and amazing partners stepped up and asked to support my June launch on the spot.
  • One of my clients was so happy with the support I provided for her that she felt was above and beyond the call of duty that she sent me a $150 dinner certificate in gratitude that came in perfect timing to celebrate Mother’s Day with my family.
  • I found the courage to make a very big ask of a “rock star” joint venture partner on Friday.  He said YES to every request and made a few requests of his own that make the entire collaboration potentially huge for both of us.
  • Product sales for Bye-Bye Boring Bio Premium have come through as a result of prior interviews I gave months ago.
  • News about generous joint venture payments came through from four partners, and new invitations to play flow in daily. 
  • I learned how to create a URL-style Facebook Fan Page post — Thank you Justin Livingston! — because it feels GREAT to learn new things and apply the learning to see what magic can manifest.
  • And, since things were going so well for me, I decided to lend some support to my husband’s private wealth advisory business, too.  With a few social media posts and a URL-style Facebook post for him, he has welcomed two Retirement Readiness Check Up clients so far with a goal of ten being very do-able for the month of May.
  • This is FUN and rewarding in so many ways.

JeannaGabellini_nSo, am I glad I took to heart Jeanna Gabellini’s call to action for Profit Quest?  You bet. This is going to be an ONGOING effort.

She is having an online party tomorrow — Monday, May 12 from noon – 3 p.m. PST — to offer on the spot ProfitQuest coaching to all who participate.  I’ll be there.  I encourage you to be there, too.  And, if you still want to get on board for YOUR ProfitQuest with Jeanna’s unwavering support, resources, and ongoing coaching, you still can.   I recommend you come to the party tomorrow because she has five-figure goody bags to reward action takers.  This is one of those situations where she saved the very best for last, and you don’t want to miss out.

== If you are ready to say YES to ProfitQuest now, here is the link to “cut and paste” into your browser.

== https://masterpeacecoach.infusionsoft.com/go/profitquest/NancyJ