What is the single BEST benefit of joint venturing for me?

It is NOT the prizes, mailbox money, or recognition. Not by a long shot.

The best part for me is the opportunity to be in the presence of great business people who are thinking big and sharing generously their great ideas.

== The rising tide lifts all the boats.

== You become like the five people you spend the most time with.

== Or, as Oprah Winfrey says, “Surround yourself only with those who lift you higher.”

Shadow Oprah Pillow

Maybe you are a bit like me.

As an internet entrepreneur, I spent a lot of time by myself, thinking through my own big ideas, and testing them out to see how well they work. The isolation can be daunting at times.

When I win a seat at a VIP mastermind table with some of the brightest minds in the coaching space today, I look forward to taking my seat at the table and absorbing the quality of the thinking, the bigness of the ideas, and the bold intentions to make a big difference. And I dig deep to see what kind of contribution I can make that can make impact in my own best way.

It helps me break free of the isolation of being a solopreneur to up my own game.My Single BEST Benefit from Joint Venturing Might Surprise You

That has clearly been the BEST part of my three-year journey as a joint venture partner so far.

Have I won money, prizes, and trips? You bet.

Have I gotten known and paid for my winning ways, thanks to the powerful advocacy of influential partners  like Kim Clausen, Rich German, Milana Leshinsky, Michelle Schubnel, Justin Livingston, Linda Claire Puig, and others who value my expertise enough to proudly showcase it to their communities? Absolutely.

And the priceless benefit of working on my own inner game as a result of being in the presence of the brilliance of the group has been the greatest reward of all.