Don’t miss Monday’s free teleclass at 5 p.m. PST during which you can learn more about Marketing with a Book with my good friend and colleague Henry DeVries. Click here to learn all about what we have brewing, and be sure to join us at 5 p.m. for an engaging, content-rich call.

Oh, by the way, Henry is producing his Marketing with a Book Summit Feb. 25-26 in sunny La Jolla, California.  I’ll be among the speakers. Imagine mid-winter break along the shores of America’s Finest City? What could be better!

If you live in San Diego and have been wanting to work with me one-on-one, this is certainly a timely and sunny opportunity to book a VIP Day with me to create your DIY Publicity Blueprint to guide your 2011 progress. All day, all about YOU, with expert publicity guidance focused squarely on what you need. If this is what you need to get into inspired action, give me a call at 425-641-5214 or send me an email so we can connect and make sure this is the “perfect fit” opportunity to suit your needs right now.