Happy Holidays everyone.

Today is the last day to benefit from the gift of the 2nd Annual Publici-Tea™ and Book Publishing Summit as a virtual workshop experience.   In early 2011, this summit will be turned into a product available for purchase at my DIY Publicity Store, so be sure to opt-in today at www.publicitea.com to enjoy the entire presentation as my holiday gift to you and everyone you know, complete with PowerPoint slides, audio files, and more.

Today’s final highlight video showcases the Rock Star Status Reality Check.  Tune in and see if you are ready for rock star status!  Treat yourself to the entire video series in sequence.

And, if preparing and sharing your story in the New Year is among your highest priorities, it will be my pleasure to guide your journey.  Bye-Bye Boring Bio is a great place to start. Patrick Snow is happy to coach your book from your head to paper so you can welcome multiple streams of income.   It’s all within reach, provided you take the best next step forward to make it happen.

If not now, then when? Ho, ho, ho VIDEO!

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