Every six months or so, it’s a good idea to revisit your media one sheet to make sure the message is up to date and reflects the current emphasis of your business and to also update your profiles on any of the podcast matchmaking sites to which you belong or subscribe.

The newly updated media one sheet emphasizes my podcast guesting success expertise, who my ideal clients are, the promise I make to them, and an updated free gift that can be downloaded from www.brilliantbionow.com.

I’m offering for a limited time the complete and interactive digital version of the Bye-Bye Boring Bio Workbook, recently updated for speakers, experts, and authors.

I’ve also updated my hot topics to be even more specific so hosts can instantly know how a conversation with me can add value and be interesting to them and their audiences.

I highlight the size of my ezine list because I know that hosts appreciate when guests already have established audiences with whom to share podcast episodes.

Joint ventures are also part of my visibility and audience building strategy. Partners are keen to know to what degree their partners can share their message with more of the right people.

If you don’t yet have an audience of folks following your work, you can replace those numbers with suggested interview questions to guide a juicy conversation.

If you’d like access to the template I used to create this media one sheet, visit www.mediaonesheetnow.com to download yours.

Your own media one sheet can be done and dialed within minutes — without hiring a graphic designer or having to search for a template on Canva.

If you’d like to learn more podcast guesting success tips, join me for the next Podcast Visibility Live Lab, coming June 6-14, 2022.   Register for this multi-day virtual masterclass at www.podcastvisibilitylivelab.com.