NAPFA Members Save When They License Life Goes on Roadmap™ as a Tool to Guide Their Clients Ahead of CrisisToday the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) and the founders of Life Goes on Roadmap™ agreed to offer the 3400 members of the organization a 10% discount on lifetime licensing fees to brand Life Goes on Roadmap™ as their own in service to financial planning clients across the nation.

Life Goes on Roadmap™ is a powerful system for personal financial information and document organization. It offers a way for financial advisors to demonstrate their fiduciary duty to clients before a home burglary, natural disaster, or one of the 4 D’s — disability, disease, divorce, or death — hit close to home.

This collection of proven, practical and empowering tools prepares clients and their families for “God Forbid” and “What If” moments before they become hardships, while igniting powerful conversations that need to happen before life serves up a bump in the road.

One of the ways this system sets itself apart is that it transforms getting organized into a game to win instead of an administrative task to put off.

Advisors can give this system to their valued clients as a gift or assign a value to it and bundle the system into NAPFA Members Save When They License Life Goes on Roadmap™ as a Tool to Guide Their Clients Ahead of Crisistheir existing offerings.

Advisors across the nation use this system to add value to their existing services, deepen client relationships, set themselves apart in the marketplace, invite referrals, and make more money.

“We are thrilled that our system for personal financial information organization has been selected as a product that NAPFA membership officials deem of value to support CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professionals as they serve their clients across the nation,” Life Goes on Roadmap Co-Founder Nancy Juetten said.


Since 1983, The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors has provided Fee‐Only financial planners across the country with some of the highest standards possible for professional competency, comprehensive financial planning, and Fee‐Only compensation. With more than 3,400 members across the country, NAPFA is the leading professional association in the United States dedicated to the advancement of Fee‐Only financial planning. Learn more at

Visit  to learn more about using Life Goes on Roadmap™ in a financial planning practice and schedule a chat to determine how to get started.
