So you’ve worked for months (or longer) to create your next book to elevate your expert status and boost your authority factor.

Now it’s time to have the front cover designed.

My husband Steve and his team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professionals just wrote a book called Smart Money Moves: Get On Track and Stay on Track Early in Your Career with These Tips, Hacks, and Strategies.

He wanted an awesome front cover.

What did he do?

He used a service called 99  Designs, and within a few days, he had 175 designs to choose from created by graphic designers all around the world for $299.

Steve first created a brief to describe what he was looking for. Then designers from a global community responded with their awesome ideas. We were astounded by the speed, variety, and creativity. We were delighted by our choices.

We were able to create polls for our team to help narrow down the abundant choices to the favorite options.

Then, Steve was able to connect with the designers who made the final cut to make suggestions to refine them to be absolutely what he wanted.

Steve said the designers were incredibly responsive, courteous, and of service.

So within a few days from start to finish, Steve solved an important problem.   He wanted a rock star cover for his latest book project, and he got one.

Curious about the winner?

Here it is!

Now he’ll engage that designer to create the interior of the book so the interior matches the awesome cover.

Professional book cover & magazine design from 99Designs

By the way, Steve’s book will be available for purchase starting in late January 2019. I’ll be sure to keep you updated about that.  This is definitely a great gift item for the young professionals with important money goals for the New Year!