My partner and Red Fire Branding Guru Liz Goodgold and I are working  to finalize the details for our Speak and Write Your Story to Stardom Tele-Bootcamp that starts on May 9 at 11 a.m. and continues through June 6, 2011.   This course will guide you step by step to both speak about and write about your business to capture attention, attract clients, and more.  There will be plenty of personal attention paid to each student during this program so people can set aside their messaging struggles and truly step up, stand out, and show up at their best to attract the results they seek in their businesses.

Since we are committed to making a difference, we will be awarding three scholarships valued at $497 for deserving professional service providers, coaches, authors, and speakers who submit their 200-word essays for consideration by the application deadline.

Here is what you need to do.    Prepare 200 words about WHY you are the worthy candidate to benefit from this tele-bootcamp and HOW you will use the opportunity to propel you forward in your business or your life.  Send your submission to by April 26, 2011 at 10 a.m. PST.

Liz and I will review all the submitted stories and choose the three most compelling storytellers as winners who will join us on May 9 at 11 a.m. when all the excitement begins.  This is your invitation to tell your story well because  when you do, you’ll benefit from two word wizards who will set your story on fire so you can attract more of the results you crave in your business as soon as possible.

Liz and I will be sharing our messaging magic with you during our 4-26-2011 teleclass, and those of you who are tired of struggling when sharing your stories are officially invited to join us.   If you have not yet signed up to benefit from this high value and complimentary call, here is the link to make that easy.