A few years ago, my “look” was basic black. With a simple black business suit, white blouse, and pearl earrings, I was ready to go just about anywhere. I was appropriately dressed but not necessarily very memorable or remarkable. Some truth tellers in my life took me aside and gently suggested that some wardrobe adjustments would serve me well. Fast forward to today. Now, I wear vibrant, bold colors and sassy jewelry to better reflect my way of being in the world. My personality shows, and I stand out in a crowd. Heck, why wear a taupe trench coat when hot pink is an option?

I bring this up because I had the most remarkable thing happen in Dallas at the eWomenNetwork conference. A woman came up from behind, tapped me on the shoulder, and said she recognized me by my signature blue dress. We had a fabulous conversation and will now be working together to support each others’ success. Here is a link to Kathie Nelson’s blog post so you can read how we met.

The buzz about you and your business goes beyond your products and services. It is reflected in how you show up in the world. Ask the truth tellers in your life about how you are showing up, and listen carefully. There may be some pearls of wisdom to take in and act upon to put your best image forward to reflect powerfully on your brand, your products, and your services.