If you weren’t able to attend the Women in Business “Thriving in Challenging Times” event created by the Sammamish Chamber of Commerce on Sunday, March 22, I am happy to share an audio file here of the panel discussion to which I contributed.

Click here — Panel Discussion – How To Thrive in Challeging Times — to listen to an hour of useful tips to guide your business growth (Tammy Redmon), how to work with your banker (Samira Badshah), how to benefit from DIY publicity (Nancy Juetten), and how to build wealth (Jana Williams.)

The DIY publicity portion of the presentation begins about 26 minutes into the panel discussion and comprises about 15 minutes, just in case you want to fast forward to benefit from that information.  The audience responded warmly to the tips and stories I shared, and I hope you do, too.

Thanks to all the contributors to the panel and the 80 or so fabulous event guests who attended to benefit from what we shared.  Special thanks to Issaquah Press Publisher Deborah Berto for moderating the panel and for the Sammamish Chamber of Commerce for creating a venue for women to connect, collaborate, and catapult to higher levels of success. Here’s to more prosperity for us all.

Best and Worst of Times