New Audio Files to Support Your DIY Publicity Success


New Audio File Shows You How to Pitch an Article the Media Can’t Resist — and Why You Should

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:


Fab Feedback Flowing In From Today’s “Get Over Blogging Fear” Call with Me and Suzanne Falter-Barns

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:

[audio:/mp3/How to Get Over Your Fear of Blogging to Build the Buzz and Grow Your Business Now.mp3]

Support Your Success, and a Publici-Tea-to-Go Gift Bundle Prize is at Stake

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:


If You Missed My Talk about Blogging, Here is the FREE Audio File, Offering Nitty-Gritty Details, Including Metrics and Dollars

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:


Support Your DIY Publicity Success and More in the Best and Worst of Times: Panel Discussion – How To Thrive in Challeging Times

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:


Empower Your DIY Publicity Success from Blog Talk Radio’s Koinonia Business Women

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:


8-Year Anniversary Sale Debuts, Featuring New 3.5 Hour Publici-Tea™ Workshop Audio File for $88

Follow the link below:

3.5 Hour Publici-Tea™ Workshop Audio File


DIY Publicity – My Gift to You

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:


Miss the Teleseminar about Making the Most of Press Releases?

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:

[audio:/mp3/Teleseminar about making the most of your press releases.mp3]

Did You Miss the Kathleen Gage “Top of Their Game” Teleseminar about Becoming an Expert?

Please click the play button below to listen to the audio file:


Make It Easy to Pick the Low Hanging Media Fruit to Create a Fabulous Local Publicity Basket

Follow the link below:

Audio Products from DIY publicity Store