New Potential Programs for 2011 – A Gift for Your Thoughts!

Two new ideas are brewing to support you in your quest to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPENSATED for your expert status, and I’d like to know how well these ideas resonate with your needs.
  • In Person Event — The Ask Nancy Anything Publici-Tea™:  This is a delicious, in-person 3-hour session at my Bellevue, WA view home that offers you the opportunity to ask me anything about how to prepare and share your story for best results or how to get your information products business up and running.  You’ll enjoy tea, chocolate and tasty treats, connections, and exploration of ideas that can answer your questions and get you on the right next step to prosperity for the new year.  This event is limited to the first ten people to provide plenty of focused attention for each.
  • Included in your event attendance is your very own spiral bound copy of Bye-Bye Boring Bio and the Media-Savvy-Go-Go Publicity eTips Booklets that offer 147 ways to boost your business and your profits so you are well equipped to both prepare and share your story for best results.*
  • Group Coaching Teleseminar Series — Since one bio does not fit all situations, this Five Weeks to Bio Wow Group Coaching 5-Page Teleseminar Series offers you the opportunity to get your story dressed and ready to attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews. You enjoy engaging content, weekly homework, access to weekly “bio feedback” from me via a weekly call-in opportunity, and accountability to get this done at long last to set you and your story up to invite clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews now.  When you do all the homework, you have bios for every possible situation to set the stage for your expert status and success.  This group is limited to 20 guests to ensure each gets focused attention over the five-week period.
  • Included in your participation is your very own e-copy of Bye-Bye Boring Bio and the Authentic Visibility Publicity eTips Booklets that offer 147 ways to boost your business and your profits.*
*  If you are already the proud owner of both information products, you can apply the equivalent retail value to any other product at the DIY Publicity Store.

Do these ideas resonate for you?  Tell me what you think.  I’ll send you an audio file gift by return email in thanks for your thoughts to get you on the right path for 2011.  It’s entitled, “The Girlfriend’s Guide to Making a Living with Information Products: Real Life Versus the Fairy Tale.”
Let me hear from you!  And, if you have other requests for how I can serve you better, please share.   Send your ideas to me at