Do you ever wish you could sell something so clear and compelling that it would sell quickly easily to your perfect audience every time?

Like selling ice water to people who are thirsty?
On choosing regrets, magic blue pills, and ways to describe the problem you solve ...






For example, are you selling:

  • Instant cash to folks who need money right now?
  • Sex appeal to someone who hasn’t had a date in years?
  • A solution to E.D. that has some clients experiencing a four-hour ‘can’t stop the feeling’ situation every time they take their magic blue pill?

Sometimes I wish I sold something like that.

The selling piece would be so much easier.

Pain killers sell better than vitamins because the promise is to stop pain in its tracks.

Vitamins are more of a preventative measure.

Selling prevention is a really tough sell.

People need an urgent reason to buy.

In today’s internet age, that could mean special pricing that expires to compel them to buy now.

It could mean that bonuses expire if the sale isn’t made in a time sensitive way.

For me, those tactics don’t ring true.

So here’s a mind bender to consider.

Maybe prevention isn’t the right message. 

Maybe it’s something else or something more?

I’ve been pondering this very question in connection with the Life Goes on Roadmap™ system we sell to families across the nation.

What exactly is the problem we are solving?

  1. Maybe it’s finally finding a way to start important conversations with loved ones that may have been delayed for too many years.
  2. Maybe it’s peace of mind.

  3. Maybe it’s clarity, confidence and power for the moments that matter the most.

  4. Maybe it’s fun to get this done so procrastination can get kicked to the curb.

  5. Maybe it’s transformation.  You get to transform from clueless to confident with it comes to accessing your crucial personal financial information.

  6. What about addressing a deep fear that many people say they have:  You’ll never less a mess for your family to clean up if something random or crazy should happen to you.

    What I know in my head, heart and gut is that no one ever regrets getting their act together before a hardship has the opportunity to become a crisis. But everyone who DOES NOT get their act together always regrets it when the rubber meets the road in life.

On choosing regrets, magic blue pills, and ways to describe the problem you solve ...One of my friends is also a top notch real estate professional.  Mary Lee of Mary Lee Real Estate says, “Choose your regrets.”

Mary says you can put your house on the market at your ‘happy hopeful price’ and run the risk that the price is too high and no one will buy it (or that the market will demand a price reduction.)

Or you can put your house on the market at too low a price (with hopes that the price will be attractive to bring in the right buyers) and have to settle on a low ball offer because you came in too low and only attracted one buyer.

As she says, “Choose your regrets.”

As for me, I would much rather have my ‘life and death ducks in a row’ long before life hits the fan than to let the cards fall where they may.

I want to avoid creating challenges for my husband, son, or extended family to contend with because they didn’t know my wishes, couldn’t find my passwords, and didn’t know who to call when it really mattered.

Leaving a mess for them to clean up later is a complete NON-ISSUE for me.

This gives me great peace of mind because my own path in life has been crossed by more than one of the Big D’s — disaster, disease, disability, diminished mental capacity, dis-empowerment, divorce, or death — to know that I am not immune to any of this.

My whole life can turn on a dime in an instant because I’ve been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.

How about you?

The truth is that it takes just one day of focused attention to organize, save, and share your most crucial information and wishes with the people who matter most in your life.

Is this a problem you feel is important to solve?

If so, what is stopping you?

What would need to happen so you would move heaven and Earth to take some action sooner versus later?

If you are game to get on the virtual bus, we’re guiding a whole new crew of families to get their acts together this Saturday, June 15.

On choosing regrets, magic blue pills, and ways to describe the problem you solve ...When you get on board, you’ll receive the guidebook, the game board, the digital organizer,and the expert accountability and support to get this done as we do our best to make it fun.

We promise you’ll start some powerful, profound conversations with your loved ones that will be eye-opening to say the least.

Those conversations may even draw you closer.

We promise that “head in the sand-itus” will be in the rear view mirror for good if you just grab the wheel, take control,and steer your life in the right direction.

Get your ticket to ride right here.