On Ice Cream Cones and a Day that Went Very Wrong ...

Here we are in the dog days of summer. Chances are you’re enjoying all kinds of adventures and maybe even tasty ice cream cones to beat the heat.

Sometimes I wish we sold ice cream cones instead of a tool to help families get ahead of life before life happens.

It would be so much easier.

And … here’s what I know for sure.

Ice cream is tasty, but the results of completing the Life Goes on Roadmap™ are far more lasting, personal, and profound.

We want you and your family to have the peace of mind that comes when you get your act together before an ordinary day turns into anything but.

The Today Show aired a compelling clip yesterday about an ordinary day that went horribly wrong for newscaster Sharon Epperson. On Ice Cream Cones and a Day that Went Very Wrong ...

Please watch and let this message bring you back to the task of completing your Life Goes On Roadmap™ if you have not done so already.

Steve and I will be leading another live virtual Get It Done Day on Saturday, October 19.

If you’re the kind of person who needs extra expert hand holding and support to get the mission accomplished, please save the date.

We are forecasting rain for that day, which makes staying inside to complete your own roadmap during the 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Pacific window a very wise choice.

Join us!

P.S.  If you know of people who can benefit from Life Goes on Roadmap™, please forward this post their way today. A free gift to start the financial empowerment conversation can be found right here: www.lifegoesonroadmap.com