Earlier this year, Pam Perry invited me to talk about how to kick those boring bios to the curb with her community of 10,000 or more followers. Quite a few people listened in and enjoyed the session.
One of them was David Mathison, who is the creator of the Blockbuster Online Success system. As a direct result of hearing me share my message with Pam’s audience, he invited me to serve among his distinguished faculty. I mention this because you never know who is listening to your teleseminars. Sometimes amazing doors to new opportunity open as a direct result of sharing your message, and this is certainly happening more and more as I spread my own message well beyond my own backyard.
It wasn’t until James Roche, my information products coach, started encouraging me to host my own teleseminars earlier this year that I finally found the courage to give this a try. Boy, am I glad I took his sage advice. Thanks James!
That said, I am honored to be a faculty member for the Be the Media Blockbuster Online Success System along such industry luminaries and mentors as Janet Switzer, Peter Shankman, Joan Stewart, Susan Harrow, Dan Janal, and others. I’ll be teaching my segment of this course — guiding you to transform your bio from wallpaper to wow — on November 4, and you’ll want to check out the full curriculum by visiting this link. The first preview call takes place October 26 and the balance of the curriculum will be delivered in November and December of 2010.
This course is all about how to make a living online doing what YOU love, on your time, from your own home. This webinar series with over 30 industry leading success experts is packed with value you can apply to make your own business stand out, shine, and excel.
A shiny new year is coming fast and furious. This course packs a tremendous punch of value to guide your online prosperity. Join us in perfect timing to make your 2011 the best it can be.