Peter CheeOn April 14, I gave a talk at thinkspace to guide the members of this co-working community to kick their boring bios to the curb and why they should. After the session, I connected with the owner of the space, Peter Chee, who told me that getting an article about his company placed within the pages of the Puget Sound Business Journal was on his priority list.  His two-year business anniversary was coming up, and he wanted to make some noise!

In short order, we started working together to build his buzz. First, we crafted a custom story pitch to the commercial real estate reporter to suggest a “Growing Your Business” feature about the most powerful lessons Chee had learned during his first two years of business operations from which the readers could benefit.  When she elected not to pursue this story because she had written about the company a year ago,  we shifted our attention to earning a bylined article within the upcoming commercial real estate quarterly.  Our ideas was to offer tips to guide solopreneurs and start ups among the readership in the finer points of finding the right fit approach to meeting their commercial real estate needs.

On Friday, June 25, Peter’s article ran within the pages of the Puget Sound Business Journal, reaching up to 100,000 upscale business decision makers who can benefit from his advice and the services he offers at thinkspace. If you are a subscriber, you can read the full article at this link.  If you are not a subscriber, the article will be available for online viewing within 30 days.

Peter had a very specific media placement on his priority list.   By prioritizing story pitch ideas and getting into action as a team, we were able to get his mission accomplished in short order.   Now, buzz is building for thinkspace.

Now, the question is, how is buzz building for you and your business?  And what are you planning to do about it today?  Article placements within your local business journal can be very targeted ways to reach the right people with your expertise.

Visit this link and click on the “Newspaper” tab to see the editorial calendar for the  for the Puget Sound Business Journal.  Scan it to learn if a special section is coming up that can benefit from the contribution of your expertise.  Then, make your pitch to the special section editor about four to six weeks prior to the scheduled publication date.

I am always happy to help, especially when quality results are just a few action steps away.  Action is always the key.