Last Spring, I had the amazing good fortune to meet Thach Nguyen, real estate developer, motivational speaker, and philanthropist as a result of an introduction by fellow eWomenNetwork member Fern Lam. Subsequently, I was engaged to do the media relations associated with the Mental Journey to Millions event Thach and his co-collaborator Matthew Ferry brought to the Seattle Westin. Together through a variety of media relations, public speaking, and viral marketing activities, we attracted 1,000 guests to benefit from inspired content, and a really cool community of positive, forward looking people formed to advocate for others’ success.
My own life and work took very positive turns as a result of the lessons I learned while working with these remarkable people. That’s why I want you to check your calendars and save Jan. 19 to attend their all-day Inspired Action™ Workshop at the Seattle Convention Center.
The day’s events will begin at 9 a.m. with an interview with Scott Oki, former senior vice president of sales and marketing for Microsoft. He also founded the Oki Foundation, a nonprofit foundation focused on philanthropic activities locally and nationally. Thach will interview Scott about passion and vision, which is the perfect place to begin what promises to be a fabulous day.
Thach often says that people often fall short of their goals because they don’t take the time to figure out thoughtfully what they really are. I think he’s right.
If one of your goals for 2008 is to get inspired about your life, connect authentically with remarkable people, and build community among other like minded people who share inspired vision for what is possible for life and work, this event is a not-to-miss session. Read more about it and register at this link.
And, if you want to make a weekend out of giving yourself gifts of inspiration, remember that there are still a few seats left for the January 18 Publici-Tea. Register at this link.