Uptown Liz is a retail philanthropy site that makes it easy for you to buy products that contribute part of their profits to causes you care about — including breast cancer research and related charities.   I advocate for this site whenever I can.  One recent pitch landed a mention for Uptown Liz in the November 2009 issue of Family Circle magazine, inviting awareness and action among all the readers of this nationally circulated magazine.

The Universe is an amazing place because Ramona Russell, founder of Uptown Liz, decided to thank me by posting the Publici-Tea™-TO-GO! Gift Bundle on the home page.

It’s the last day of October, which is well recognized as breast cancer awareness month, yet we all know that the quest to encourage women newly diagnosed with breast cancer is an ongoing concern.  I hope you’ll take a look at what Uptown Liz has brewing and consider sharing a Publici-Tea™-to-Go! Gift Bundle with a publicity-seeking business owner you know.   Ten percent of the net profits from the sale of each is donated to Northwest Hope and Healing.

Invite more prosperi-tea as you learn essential skills for do-it-yourself publicity, knowing that every purchase gives something back to women who need encouragement right now.   Thanks in advance for your support.  And remember, these gift bundles are available year-round at the DIY Publicity Store at this blog and not just during October.  That does my heart good!