Congratulations on joining Podcast Dream Guest Mastery™
with Nancy Juetten.

Already hundreds of participants have taken the training, welcomed the promised results, and opened big doors to opportunity.

Now it’s your turn.

This training is going to be a game-changer for you and set you up to be the media darling hosts who can’t wait to book.

Click here to download your full-color digital Bye-Bye Boring Bio 2020 Workbook which includes powerful examples against which to model your own door opening media one sheet, sizzling speaker sheet, and other tools to be ready for the opportunity, even before it knocks.

Bye bye boring bio book
Then, take these steps right now to make the most out of this training:

  • Watch each of the five video trainings that you can access via this Password Protected Portal:

Password Protected Portal link here.

This is your password:  PDG VIP.

  • Complete the homework assignments.
  • Join the Raise Your Voice – Make Your Impact Facebook Group to ask questions or get additional support from me and the amazing speakers, experts, and authors who are already members.

Click here to request to join.

Download your Your Media One Sheet Template

This training is content-rich, and you’ll get bite-sized homework to do each day to make progress to become the podcast dream guest you want to be!

To your podcast guesting success as the dream guest hosts can’t wait to book!

Nancy Juetten