About a six weeks ago, I wrote to tell you about our home burglary.

Three burglars broke windows and locks and “went shopping” for valuables in our home — including an entire jewelry drawer full of treasures — before driving away with both of our cars.

One of the thugs is in jail, and the two others are still at large.

One car was recovered and now repaired. The other was found abandoned and trashed in a bad part of town after the insurance company had already paid the claim for its loss.

We are over the worst of it now, and that’s a good thing.

In the moment, while I was feeling the violation and despair of that incident, I kept telling myself that there would be a blessing that would come out if it.

That was a coping mechanism to fight back my tears. It’s just awful to step into a crime scene in your own home and find the strength and resilience to deal with a situation like this.

Mindset matters so much when dealing with the crazy, random things that life serves up.

That’s why today I want to share some lessons from our brush with crime so they can inspire you to take some action.

  • We are so glad we completed the Valuables Inventory for jewelry when we completed our Life Goes on Roadmap™ system for personal financial organization. We did that about a year ago.
  • Getting organized in this way was what I wanted for Christmas last year.
  • We had jewelry appraisals and receipts for most items. We even had photos of me wearing many of the pieces. For those items for which appraisals and receipts were missing, we visited the stores from which we made the purchases.The owners were happy to write letters to vouch for prior purchases we made and offer a suggested replacement value.
  • When it came time to making a claim with our insurance company, we had proof of what we owned. Had we not, we could have suffered a second loss with the insurance company potentially electing to disallow our claim.
  • An insurance settlement doesn’t make the violation of the burglary go away, but it sure helps.
  • Don’t store your car keys and jewelry in obvious places.
  • Don’t post to Facebook about your fun adventures while out of town until you have returned home.
  • Take care when using a car service to the airport. Ask family members to take you if that’s possible. Who knows if the car service driver has thieves for friends?
  • Purchase and install a home security system and put dowels in all of your windows. Signs on the windows about the security system and in the front yard alert future burglars to keep their distance.

Questions and Suggested Actions for You:

• Is your wedding and engagement ring insured in addition to that beautiful wrist watch you wear every day?
• How about your other valuables?
• If not, decide today to have these items appraised, and add a jewelry rider to your home owner policy.
• When you add new jewelry items to your collection or receive them as gifts, take pictures and save receipts so you have a record that will come in handy if ever you suffer a burglary or your items get lost or damaged in some other way.

A valuables inventory is just one of 16 ‘road stops’ we ask you to make when you complete your Life Goes on Roadmap™ system for personal financial information management with our unwavering support.

You’re invited to purchase Life Goes on Roadmap™ for yourself and your friends and extended family.

This is a very practical gift for the people in your life who have everything so they can drive life forward, no matter what happens next. For those who want to get organized in the New Year, it’s a perfect gift.

We’ll hold your collective feet to the fire to get this done and even make it fun.

Between now and December 31, 2018, save $20 on either the digital or physical system that ships to your doorstep or the doorsteps for the people you love most. Visit this link and use your promo code GRATITUDE to enjoy the savings.

Life really does turn on a dime. Getting ahead of these kinds of situations before they become hardships is a gift you give yourself and everyone you love. Your actions today will make an important impact that is priceless in value when the rubber meats the road … because it always does. There is no denying it. And it is so much better to get in front of it.


Promo Code to Save $20: GRATITUDE

Share this message to friends and family, and give everyone something to talk about and take action on. The aftermath of whatever happens along the road of life will be a whole lot easier when you get your act together. That’s a comfort when chaos, crime or worse hit close to home.