Amplify Your Message to More of the Right People with Press Release Pizzazz

Add a press release to your big launch toolbox to amplify your message
and extend its reach to potential fans and followers who are
not yet familiar with YOUR expertise.

One of my skilled and experienced press release writers will write it, revise it once, and run it across prReach as broadcast news.


You’ll receive a placement report that shares all the media outlets that picked up your news within 24 hours.

Engage to make this magic happen
in perfect timing for YOUR next big launch.

To make this an effective, efficient, and SUCCESSFUL experience, you receive:

  • An Intake Form to make it fast and easy to share your “Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How” information, social media links, and desired distribution date;
  • A private intake session with a gifted team member to gain clarity around your objective and message;
  • Eye-opening education by video, audio interview, blog post, ebook and transcript to empower you to use press releases wisely for the lifetime of your successful business to welcome credibility, visibility, and new and prestigious opportunities to speak and serve even more perfect clients.
  • Your copy of the Get Ready, Get Known, Get Paid eWorkbook delivers immediately to your inbox to ignite your enthusiasm and inspire action so you truly can get ready, known, and paid.

“If you’re looking for a head start on your PR and marketing that’s almost done for you, this is the workbook for you.”

Sharon Sayler
Founder Competitive Edge Communications

“On your mark, Get set, Go! That’s what Nancy’s workbook does. It transforms your state from ‘Where do I begin’ to ‘Alright, here I go.’”

Bobbie Marshall

“Nancy knows her stuff inside and out, frontwards and backwards, and she shares it in an authentic and easily translatable style.“

Cheryl Michaels
The Ageless Style Coach


“For companies just starting out or already at going concern status, a well written, keyword rich press release really can catapult your expertise to the top of the search engines and invite more opportunities to serve your ideal clients. That is why I highly recommend Nancy’s Press Release Pizzazz service. It has certainly paid off for me.”

— Elizabeth Venturini,

“Before I started building my buzz through the power of publicity, my new business was invisible to the busy career professionals I set out to serve. I am a college and career strategist who guides college-bound teens to choose colleges and careers that pay off for a lifetime. As a direct result of the press releases created and sent with Nancy’s help, my perspectives have been showcased via major media outlets ranging from The Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle,, AOL Jobs, and MSNCareers. I’ve welcomed interview opportunities with six media outlets, and I’ve been showcased over 50 times in additional follow up interviews. Best of all, my name still comes up in the #2 ranked position in a Google search for ‘college and career strategist’ weeks after issuing my last press release. For companies just starting out or already at going concern status, a well written, keyword rich press release really can catapult your expertise to the top of the search engines and invite more opportunities to serve your ideal clients. That is why I highly recommend Nancy’s Press Release Pizzazz service. It has certainly paid off for me.”
— Elizabeth Venturini, College and Career Strategist,

“Press Release Pizzazz Helped Me Land Three New Paid Speaking Engagements.”

— Michael Bloom,

“Since the press release you wrote for me crossed PR Newswire and earned attention in Wall Street Journal Online, I have welcomed increased traffic to my site and dozens of new subscribers. A leader in the American Cancer Society has registered for my next Caregiving Power Hour. Best of all – the press release helped me land three new paid speaking engagements in June. One was booked on Friday. Yesterday, I was able to close a deal for the other two and am charging my highest speaking fee to date. All of this has been accomplished after two business days since the press release crossed PR Newswire. I feel on top of the world and can only begin to imagine how many more caregivers will now get access to my message while I get compensated for doing work that I love. Thanks so much for providing such an outstanding service.”
— Michael Bloom,

Here are headlines and lead paragraphs from press releases I prepared to amplify
product launches and guide top experts to land #1 in a Google search on launch day.

Networking Expert Brandy Mychals Reveals Character Code
System That Shows Small Businesses How to Get New Clients

LAFAYETTE, Calif., Nov. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — With a new year fast approaching, business owners are asking themselves how they can attract new clients and make 2013 their best year ever. Brandy Mychals, award-winning business coach, networking expert, and author of the new book How to Read a Client from Across the Room: Win More Business With The Proven Character Code® System to Decode Verbal and Nonverbal Communication from McGraw-Hill, today reveals time tested ways to break six figures fast by “working a room” to connect with more of the right people.

Email List Building Strategies for Independent Business Owners to Grow Visibility and Income Now Revealed by Global Experts

SANTA CRUZ, Calif., March 1, 2012 — Solo entrepreneurs and independent business owners who need to grow their visibility and income now can register today for a free and high-value telesummit on email list building strategies taking place March 13 – April 6, 2012. This virtual event brings together 18 well-known marketing experts — from Robert Allen to Lisa Sasevich to Christine Kloser — who will share the latest tactics to attract more followers, fans and customers. Business owners seeking email list building tips now can register at

Business Bio Expert Nancy “The Bio Doc” Juetten Hosts Free Teleclass to Heal Boring Business Owner Bios on Nov. 2

Quote startA business bio is a terrible thing to wasteQuote end

Bellevue, Wa (PRWEB) November 01, 2012– Award-winning business bio expert Nancy “The Bio Doc” Juetten will help business owners, coaches, consultants, authors, and experts who struggle to write about themselves in a way that attracts ideal clients with a free teleclass on Friday, November 2, 2012 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. PST. Juetten will provide her diagnosis on how business owners can transform their weak, boring bios into strong stories that attract clients, speaking gigs, and media interviews.

Accidental Entrepreneurs, Healers, and Creative Professionals Learn to Make a Good Living, Attract Clients, and Master the Inner Game of Business at Self-Employment Telesummit

SEATTLE, Oct. 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Accidental entrepreneurs around the world who need to make their businesses pay off now can register today for a high-value self-employment telesummit taking place October 17-21, 2011. This event brings together 19 well-known experts and their advice to guide participants to charge and get the right fees, attract and enroll clients, speak the language that compels clients to buy, and master the inner game of business. Self-employed people around the world can register at and benefit from all the sessions for free.

Boston Elder Care Expert A. Michael
Bloom Offers Timely Tips to Help
Family Caregivers Avoid Burnout

November is National Family Caregivers Month

BOSTON, Nov. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — It is a selfless choice to serve as a family caregiver. Given the complex needs of their loved ones, it is understandable that caregivers experience high levels of stress and are at risk of burnout.

“Caregivers are primarily concerned about the well-being of others and are often filled with remorse for things they have done or said during periods of stress and resentment. In addition, many family caregivers experience regret for career or life enhancing opportunities they rejected that would have brought satisfaction to their own lives,” said Massachusetts-based Energy Leadership™ Master Practitioner A. Michael Bloom. He offers practical coping strategies for family caregivers to recharge their energy while avoiding burnout, and states that “the life you save may be your own.”

For Those who Prefer to Text Than Talk, College and Career Strategist Elizabeth Venturini Guides Them to Grace and Opportunity with Skills Beyond the Right Knife and Fork

Charm School for the College-Bound Teaches Business Etiquette

“Now more than ever, students realize they will no longer just be applying for college or a job after graduation – they will be competing for them. Good manners and basic business etiquette can give students the winning edge in a competitive job market.” — Elizabeth Venturini

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 04, 2012 — “Etiquette matters more than ever in today’s technology-charged society,” says College Admissions and Career Strategist Elizabeth Venturini. “In an age when it is second nature for so many young people to text than talk, knowing business etiquette is critical as they prepare for college and future employment.” In support of National Business Etiquette Week June 3 to 9, Venturini debuts Charm School for the College-Bound. It’s an in-person or virtual workshop that shows students the importance and essential skills of business etiquette. “It’s vital to show poise, know basic etiquette, and have good manners. Because no matter how technically brilliant you are, a lack of business and social skills could hold you back from prime academic, social, and future career opportunities,” she says.


Every one of these press releases earned 100 or more prominent mentions for their messages in perfect timing. Most invited additional speaking invitations, media interviews, opt ins to their registration pages, and more.

 Your wise investment to benefit from this DONE FOR YOU service:


You will receive the materials you need to take the next step upon receipt of your welcome order.  This service is for serious action takers. Use your Press Release Pizzazz purchases within six months of your purchase date. There are no refunds or carry overs to future dates.

Meet Nancy Juetten

Since 2001, Nancy Juetten has written hundreds of press releases that have catapulted clients into the media spotlight to welcome speaking gigs, media interviews, email opt ins, and new client engagements. Better yet, she has trained hundreds of action-taking business owners to write their own attention-grabbing press releases to bring in those results on a do it yourself basis.

Known as a Business Bio Expert and Get Known to Get Paid™ Mentor, Nancy is a storyteller, engaging workshop leader, and creator of proven, road-tested tools that show business owners how to get seen, heard, celebrated, and COMPENSATED for their expert status. Thousands of coaches, consultants, solopreneurs, speakers, infopreneurs, and aspiring and thriving authors around the world welcome those results as a direct result of products, workshops, and mentoring she provides in service to their success.

Since 2010, Nancy has earned “Top Five” Leader Board status as a joint venture partner with world-class thought leaders and entrepreneurs including Christian Mickelsen, Callan Rush/Justin Livingston, Brandy Mychals, George Kao, and Susan Harrow. She makes the most of her publicity expertise and online marketing savvy to add value with every word she writes and every move she makes. Those who know her well say, “Nancy is all of the help and none of the hype.” Engage her and come to that realization yourself to your expert advantage.

Nancy S. Juetten Marketing Inc., 13605 SE 50th Place, Bellevue, WA 98006, 425-641-5214.