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September 03, 2009

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Nancy Juetten speaks with Paul Casey on the Small Business Innovators Radio Show on 1150 a.m. about the four essential keys to turn your boring bio into a winner and shares what guests can expect at the 9-16, 10-16, and 11-6 Publici-Tea™ Express Workshops coming to Seattle Design Center.

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October 28, 2008

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Nancy Juetten, Becky Monk and Whitney Keyes share essential DIY publicity tips to advance your success at the NWEN Think Tank panel discussion on 10-28-08 at Schaffer Auditorium at Seattle University

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October 23, 2008

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Bellevue Today

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October 09, 2008

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Chat with Women Show:
Love Oprah, Want to promote your business-find out how! Nancy Juetten, Publici-Tea trainer, and Susan Harrow, the “Get Booked on Oprah” Expert, about how to earn local and national media attention for your winning ways.

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October 07, 2008

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

The Dr. Pat Show:
What could be better … Tea, Chocolate, Connection and Conversation about all Things Publicity! Listen to Local Publicity Expert Nancy Juetten and “Get Booked on Oprah” Expert Susan Harrow to learn essential tips to empower your DIY publicity success.

Audio | Press Room

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November 29, 2007

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Nancy Juetten shares how to make award wins pay off from brand, buzz, and reputation at the November 29, 2007 keynote for the International Gallery Awards gala for the Seattle Chapter of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen.

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November 27, 2007

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Nancy Juetten and Suzanne Falter-Barns of talk about Suzanne’s Extraordinary Business Builders Club and the impact lessons learned have had on Nancy’s business.

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November 18, 2007

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Authentic Visibility Publicity Tip of the Week. This tip is about the importance of honoring speech length assignments when asked to speak at the podium.

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October 31, 2007

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Michelle Tennant of Wasabi Publicity and Nancy S. Juetten chatted on October 31, 2007 about nitty gritty ways to earn winning results from your media relations efforts.

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October 18, 2007

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Business owners and publicity seekers from coast to coast joined in to this Women’s Media Summit ( Webcast on Friday, October 19, 2007. During this lively session, publicist Nancy S. Juetten spoke about the deadly sins of media relations and why to avoid them, and participants asked plenty of questions to which Nancy responded.

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September 18, 2007

Listen to the Radio (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten – featured as "This Weeks Tip of the Week".

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September 04, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is featured on the Bizline Radio Show: Secrets to Small Business Success. Nancy Juetten, principal at Nancy S. Juetten Marketing, PR & Communications, and author of the Media Savvy TO Go Toolkit, will provide us with helpful tips for getting the media’s attention and earning free press in your own backyard and beyond.

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August 20, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is featured on the by Paul Casey Small Business Report on Alternative Talk 1150 a.m. She offers the Mainstreet Media Savvy Tip of the Week: "Press releases- preparing & sharing your message"

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August 13, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is featured on the by Paul Casey Small Business Report on Alternative Talk 1150 a.m. She offers the Mainstreet Media Savvy Tip of the Week: "Aim before you fire away. Know your media outlets."

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July 1, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is interviewed on July 1, 2007 by Sandra Yancey, Founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork Host of the eWomenNetwork Radio Show. Nancy S. Juetten – "Nancy is the author of the Authentic Visibility Publicity Toolkit that empowers business owners everywhere with 147 powerful ways to get seen, heard, and celebrated! Nancy knows how to work with the media to
create winning results, and she wants to help business owners everywhere quickly get up to speed so they can do the same for their own growing businesses."

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April 12, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is interviewed on April 12, 2007 by WomensRadio Editor-In-Chief, Pat Lynch. Nancy shares her story of founding Nancy S Juetten Marketing and offers insight to other women business owners working to win new business.

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April 2, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is interviewed on April 2, 2007 as a guest on "Work at Home Mom’s Talk Radio." Listen to this interview to learn about the Authentic Visibilitypublications created by Nancy Juetten Marketing.

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March 5, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten shares the greatest rewards she enjoys from running her own business via the “Quote of the Week” on the Paul Casey Small Business Report radio show on Alternative Talk 1150 a.m.

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January 29, 2007

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is interviewed January 29, 2007 by Paul Casey for the Small Business Report on Alternative Talk 1150 a.m. She offers her best five tips to support small business success.

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January 22, 200

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is interviewed January 22, 2007 by Paul Casey for the Small Business Report on Alternative Talk 1150 a.m. She encourages listeners to have the courage to play bigger with business owners more successful than they are and offers an example from her own business to prove the power of this advice.

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July 12, 2006

Listen to the Radio Show (podcast)

Nancy S. Juetten is interviewed July 12, 2006 on the Chat with Women Show at 1150 AM –

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July 12, 2006

PRWeb Podcast featuring Nancy S. Juetten, creator/author of the new Authentic Visibility Tips Booklets

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