Mentoring Program
Are you:
- A successful business owner who is serious about becoming a well-known and well-compensated expert?
- Ready to get from where you are now – perhaps unknown, invisible, and not able to make your best impact – to where you want to go – visible, credible, and serving more of the right people who need your talent right now?
- Ready and committed to take action now to create the results you desire and of which your business and mission are so worthy?
When You Invest Time, Energy, and Smart Resources
This is a PRIVATE mentoring program that gives you direct access to an expert who has successfully traveled the journey with great results so you can take wise steps forward so you extend the reach of your message and work to more of the right people and welcome more success with greater ease. It’s a step by step journey taken together, one inspired action at a time. When you do the work over a period of time with expert guidance and support, you will Get Known to Get Paid and welcome more and better opportunities to make your impact in the marketplace, make your mark in the world, and create lasting and sustainable business success to support a life you love.
What I will be teaching you is exactly the journey I’ve traveled to build a six-figure business with five streams of reliable, repeatable, and rewarding income in my business. I know from personal experience the value of having a mentor to accelerate my success. The top-notch mentors I worked with one on one gave me the knowledge, tools, and confidence I needed to break through my self-imposed limitations, take inspired and imperfect action and make truly magical things happen in my business. As your Get Known to Get Paid Mentor, I will take you by the hand and show you how to pave your path to achieve more attention in your target market, grow your tribe, build your know/like/trust factor, promote signature products and services your ideal clients will gladly buy, leverage yourself in various ways and more so that you can get the results that I have gotten, or even better! And you will get the results much faster than you would by going it alone.
A Program that Puts YOUR
Specific Needs Front and Center
I’ve taken the best of what I’ve learned from my work with amazing coaches including Information Products Guy James Roche, Millionaire Guru to Women Entrepreneurs Ali Brown, and others and created a simple and elegant private mentoring program. My aim is to serve and support serious and successful business owners who are absolutely ready to achieve bold and influential visibility with more of the right people. Together we’ll get your voice heard and your expertise is known so you can take pride in your profitable business. You will get ready, get known, and get paid.
- The worry around being unseen or unheard in a large group mastermind;
- Fear around others adopting your great ideas when the seeds of your brilliance are just taking root to grow;
- The frustration of wading through others’ issues in order to get the help you need;
- Discomfort around asking the nitty-gritty how-to questions without worrying about looking like you don’t know what you are doing. Remember, there is a lot to learn. This is new territory to travel and an adventure to savor without any negative judgments.
- The feeling that you matter. You will feel the connection, the caring, and the commitment in support of your success in ways you can see, hear, and experience with every call, email, and unexpected bonus you receive in perfect timing to meet your needs;
- Mutual respect, commitment to collaboration, and fair and reasonable dealings between us. Anything less simply isn’t good enough.
- Personal attention through one-on-one support focused squarely on your specific needs to make progress along your own journey to Get Known to Get Paid;
- Relief as you apply time, effort, and precious resources wisely to take smart steps forward as opposed to stumbling and bumbling around on your own;
- Ongoing support, encouragement, and celebrations of your successes as they unfold. Being present to your progress (as opposed to focusing on what is still left to do) is essential as you enjoy the journey ahead, even when it is hard.
Mentoring Program Includes:
- Two PRIVATE 45 minute telephone “Get It Done” coaching calls with me every month for six months to work the issues and get things done to lift and add even more life to the business of your dreams.
- Email correspondence and review of your best effort drafts to offer thoughtful feedback, upgrades, and suggestions to guide you forward to achieve results you love and that pay off — equal to one full and focused hour each month of our journey together.
- Immediate access to the Get Known Get Paid Online Success Library to accelerate your journey to success. There are foundational tools and training within to guide you to name and claim your profitable niche, say “bye-bye” to that boring business bio, build big buzz for your expertise, and become an influential joint venture partner, even if you are just starting out. You’ll be astounded by the value. Simply choose the training you need to solve the challenge you are facing right now, and “wash, rinse and repeat” as you go. Stay in inspired, imperfect action to create the results you desire, knowing that answers and how-to resources are one click away.
- You always go to the front of the line to get help during live calls I host and get showcased, too.
- The opportunity to get seen, heard and celebrated through my blog, ezine, speaking engagements, or social media to bring attention to your winning ways.
- Clients who choose to INVEST IN FULL at the start of their mentoring relationship also benefit from a done-for-you press release to bring you and your expertise to #1 rank on Google and hundreds of prestigious media outlets in one inspired effort.
- This image showcases the steps to take to achieve desired results. We’ll take on each step in perfect timing to meet your needs during our mentoring relationship.

This Program is for Serious and Successful Business Owners Who Are Prepared
and Committed to Take Inspired Action for 6-Months with Expert Guidance.
Ideal clients are people who are ready to stop wringing their hands and start rolling up their sleeves to make serious progress along their journey to Get Known to Get Paid. You may be somewhat introverted and easily frustrated with group programs, and that’s just great because this is a PRIVATE program.
You are prepared to invest time, creativity, and smart resources to advance toward goals that are clear, compelling, and worthy of ongoing and inspired action. It’s a program to make a priority for a full and consistent six-month window to make meaningful progress over time.
Let me be clear. You must want the results enough to do the work.
When you act, great rewards that you can feel, experience, and count show up in the balance sheet and beyond.
The Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Program is all about YOU. You won’t get lost in a group mastermind in your PRIVATE Mentoring Program. The calls and email correspondence are all for you, all about you, and focused on your success.
Your total investment can be recouped with just one paid keynote engagement fee or via the signature program or group training series you create and launch successfully during your six-month mentoring engagement.
If you need additional support beyond the elements included within this program, I will offer thoughtful and proven recommendations to guide you to get the support you need.
Enrollments in This Program are Limited to Ensure Personal and Thoughtful Attention to Your Needs without Overwhelm for Either of Us.
Your wise investment is one we can discuss when we chat one-on-one by phone.
If you have been shopping around and considering other mentoring or mastermind programs, I can tell you that you will be pleasantly surprised by the investment and the value.
I can’t wait to begin this journey of growth with you while you Get Known to Get Paid.
Make the “YES” decision today to invest in the growth of your business as you Get Ready, Get Known, and Get Paid.
Your Next Steps:
- Complete the Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Intake Form you receive when you opt in via the box below.
- Submit it to Nancy at We’ll schedule a phone conversation to explore if this is the perfect fit option to meet your needs.
Dr. Susan O’Malley heard me speak on a telesummit about transforming boring bios into attention grabbing magnets. She was called to learn more because she had a message to share that warranted big attention.
I could not be more proud to report that Dr. Susan has made the transition from speaking on backyard stages to BIG stages and has a book and a whole lot more to show for her tenacious efforts to succeed in a bold, new way in the third act of her life.
“Thank you Nancy for making me the Permission to Charge™ Mentor. With your encouragement I can say I’ve taken this phrase to the bank and QUADRUPLED my revenue from the previous year.”
“I hired Nancy at the end of 2013 to help me grow my coaching business. I was frustrated with why after having great success owning another business, my coaching business wasn’t nearly as successful yet. Nancy did SO much for me and the #1 thing she did was empower and advise me to leave my old branding behind that I had outgrown. Although it was well-liked, it didn’t translate into customers hiring me. Then a client gave me the phrase “Permission to Charge™” and Nancy encouraged me to use it despite my repeated attempts to falter backwards. But she persisted and finally I had the power and courage to transform my brand. With Nancy’s expertise on messaging and her magical way with words, I finally could talk about my business in a way that made people say “I need to work with you!.” I have more speaking gigs, more media interest and I wrote a book with the phrase as the title. Thank you Nancy for making me the Permission to Charge™ Mentor. With her encouragement I can say I’ve taken this phrase “to the bank” and QUADRUPLED my revenue from the previous year. This would not have happened without Nancy.”
—Jessica Riverson, Permission to Charge Mentor™ & Business Coach,
“The information I received was worth every dollar and more. My advice to anyone is to just do it.”
Stressed out, timed-starved, and high achieving parents who want the best college and career options for their teenagers and avoid the “boomerang kid effect” start with Elizabeth Venturini.
— Elizabeth Venturini, College Career
“The brilliant resources, individual attention and practical solutions that Nancy provides in each and every interaction have been worth every dollar of my investment.”
“While I could have chosen to participate in another Group Mastermind or program, I made the wise decision to enroll in the Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Program. Thanks to Nancy, I look forward to a bright future of blooming in service to caregivers globally while getting paid handsomely for work I love to do.“
A. Michael Bloom had a big vision for how his caregiving expertise could serve people from Boston and around the world. He has done that and so much more. Michael has welcomed one golden moment right after the other. What started as an IDEA to serve a global audience has turned into a popular and useful book, quite a few paid keynote speeches, a thriving group training program, a much bigger platform, and the confidence to GO BIG and serve at the highest level of contribution.
Click to watch and be inspired about big possibilities to get known and paid for your expertise.
Michael did not do this alone. We worked closely together for a year to bring many of these ideas to life.
— Michael Bloom, Bloom for
“College Career Strategist Elizabeth Venturini Celebrates Getting Known, Getting Paid, and Telling Her Story Well“
“I started working with Nancy through her original 2011 program Bio Branding Wow Now Webinar Series. My original intention was just to rewrite my bio and learn how to pitch a story to the press for my college admissions and career practice. But then my simple intention took a 360 degree turn. In September of 2011 my husband was going to Italy to make a major announcement on his findings of Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, the Mona Lisa. I thought as long as I am in the class maybe I will learn something that will help him get some press attention, too.
The press attention for “The Mona Lisa Code” landed us 194,000 internet citations and front page placement in every major Italian newspaper within a 24 hour period – all during the weekend the Italian economy was having a complete financial meltdown. It was very exciting to get so much press coverage in such a short time. And to think I hesitated to spend the $497 to enroll in Nancy’s class to learn how to do this!
To get my own business CollegeCareerResults in the news, I quickly signed up for Nancy’s Broadcast your Brilliance Webinar Series. Nancy worked with me to position myself as a recognized expert in my field – helping stressed out parents get their kids admitted to college and graduate with a job. From help writing press releases to developing a rock star media kit, Nancy was there every step of the way. Later I enrolled in her Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Program. Nancy provided me with the right touch of encouragement and at times some tough love to get me where I am today.
Rock Star Accomplishments
Here are Elizabeth’s most notable accomplishments so far that show how she made herself a media “rock star” and parents’ secret weapon to help them launch their teens into their dream schools and future careers.n 2012 she claimed the title and branded herself as the College Career Strategist.
- Her website clearly states her mission is to help parents “launch” their college-bound teens so they don’t return home as boomerang kids.
- Her “Failure to Launch – Not an Option” College Career Mentoring packages are designed to give parents more college career options for their teens than they thought possible. Elizabeth focuses on the benefits and results of working with her to get teens to:
1. Plan ahead to make certain their academic credentials match their career aspirations
2. Look and speak the part to prepare for college admissions and career interviews
3. Show they are confident and graceful as they behave and dine their way to success by their own definition
- Elizabeth knew her college career advice worked when she heard from happy parents where their teens were admitted for college and the scholarship amounts they received. Like the old E.F. Hutton saying, “When Elizabeth speaks . . . parents listen.”
- Since 2012 Elizabeth has been ranked #1 on Google for “college career strategist” resulting from using the techniques provided in Nancy’s teleseminar programs. Her insights on college and careers have been featured in over 50 major publications.
- When she first started with the program she had only a handful of articles to place on her website. Now Elizabeth has so many articles cited on the Internet she can’t keep up with them!
- Elizabeth landed clients with these major press releases:
1. For those that Prefer to Text than Talk, 6/2012 (an article on the importance of etiquette for students timed with National Business Etiquette week.
2. Timely Tips for Parents who Need to Launch Teens and Avoid the Boomerang Kid Effect – No Matter Who they Vote for, 10/2012 (an article on how to launch graduates with a job after graduation, timed with the 2012 presidential debates)
3. College Career Strategist Elizabeth Venturini Takes Issue with Hollywood Movie “Admission”, 3/2013 (an article on getting teens college and career ready timed with the release of a major Hollywood movie about college admissions at Princeton)
- Elizabeth has made several media pitches that earned media attention – including a front page article and photo-op in her hometown newspaper, The Desert Sun about the importance of etiquette for college-bound teens through her program Charm School for the College-Bound
- She is now sought after by writers for her commentary on college and careers. She was recently interviewed by prominent writer Matthew Solan of (a service of select PBS stations) and featured in his article, “Why Delay Your Dream Job?”
- Elizabeth is hosting her first big teleseminar, “Failure to Launch – Not an Option” College Career Mentoring for Parents. During this call parents will come away with practical actions they can use now to get their teens “college career ready” to launch fabulously in college and in a career path they will love after graduation. Go to and click on the “teleseminar” link on the home page navigation to gain access to the call.
I remind Elizabeth all the time how far she has come since we started working together. For example:
- She learned the importance of a mentor to help her become successful.
- She developed a rock star media kit that she is proud to use anywhere, anyplace, anytime.
- She is ready to host her first of many teleseminars to reach parents globally and help them launch their teens for college and their future careers.
But what brings the most joy to Elizabeth? After all the test taking, maintaining GPAs, gathering recommendations, participating in extra-curriculars, she loves hearing teens with big smiles say these three words, “I got accepted!”
Elizabeth says, “Nancy – you are the real rock star. Thanks to you, I have learned how to tell my story and tell it well.”
— Elizabeth Venturini, College Career
“Since Michael and I started working together, Michael has gotten ready and known, and the dollars are absolutely starting to flow“
“About a year ago in 2011, Michael Bloom and I met in person for the first time at Bill Baren’s Big Shift Experience in the Bay Area. Michael enrolled in the Broadcast Your Brilliance Webinar Series and was planting the seeds for his coaching practice to take root in a big way. He decided to enroll in the Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Program to make serious progress.
Michael’s career had been on hold for a while as he provided end of life support to both of his parents. He emerged from that time in his life with a desire to support others around the world in their care giving journeys because the lives they save may very well be their own.
Everyone is somewhere along his/her journey to Get Ready, Get Known, and Get Paid. Since Michael and I started working together, Michael has gotten ready and known, and the dollars are absolutely starting to flow.
Michael has good things to say about his experience.
“While I could have chosen to participate in another Group Mastermind or program, I made the wise decision to enroll in the Get Known to Get Paid Private Mentoring Program.
The brilliant resources, individual attention and practical solutions that Nancy provides in each and every interaction have been worth every dollar of my investment.
Thanks to Nancy, I look forward to a bright future of blooming in service to caregivers globally while getting paid handsomely for work I love to do.”
Notable Accomplishments:
Here are among Michael’s most notable accomplishments so far that have been a joy to behold.
- He has named and claimed his six-figure niche.
- The website speaks his value and commitment and engages visitors.
- His Caregiving Burnout Risk Assessment is now attracting opt ins and new enrollment conversations. His email list has grown by 500%.
- Packages to serve his clients are created to give clients the gift of choice, while keeping focus on the highest value offer he makes because that is where the real transformation happens for clients and for his balance sheet.
- Michael got serious about preparing and sharing his message with THE RIGHT groups of family caregivers and health and human service leaders. He has given 9 talks to over 500 people since September of 2012. Every talk he gives leads to spin off engagements to reach even more of the right people to benefit and engage. He has six more engagements booked through June of 2013.
- Michael is now ranked #1 on Google for “Boston Elder Care Expert” as a result of a press release we created and issued over PRNewswire, just in time for National Caregiver Appreciation Month in November. He still owns that #1 rank on Google all these many months later!
- That press release caused a client in Canada to reach out and engage in one of Michael’s coaching packages.
- Michael has made several media pitches that earned media attention — including a radio interview about care giving without regret and an opportunity to be interviewed by AARP Magazine — which is a perfect placement for his target audience.
- His forthcoming book “The Accidental Caregiver’s Survival Guide: Your Roadmap to Caregiving without Regret” is almost ready to debut.
- Michael has also contributed a chapter to the 2013 edition of Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude Book.
- He was just nominated by the International Coaching Federation of New England as Coach of the Year for the 2012/2013.
- Michael is also having success and supporting the success of others by sharing his Care Giving Power Hour once a month. During these calls, he offers inspiration, practical coping strategies, and encouragement to caregivers around the world.
- Here is the link so you can participate in upcoming calls.
“As I think about our work together, it has been so refreshing and energizing to have a ‘been there, done that, common sense, practical individual’ who provides such a comforting and results driven pathway about getting my message out authentically and honoring who I am. It’s been a rewarding journey to see what has been accomplished in such a short period of time.
- My speaking engagements are coming fast and furious.
- I am much more confident to do things outside of my comfort zone now.
- A year ago, I couldn’t imagine hosting teleclasses. Now I have the ability to reach people globally, and I can’t wait to do more.
- If I can make a difference in another caregiver’s life, that brings me tremendous satisfaction.
“I am so grateful for Nancy’s mentoring and encouragement to create a business I love that makes such a big difference for the people I am on the planet to serve.”
— Michael Bloom, Bloom for
“Thanks to Nancy, I look forward to a thriving coaching practice, helping people eat well, breathe easy, and create healthy homes and lives for themselves and their families.”
Karen’s career was in a period of transition when we first started our work together. She has now positioned herself as a Lifestyle Consultant and Wellness Coach and advocate for people with Celiac Disease and Food Sensitivities – helping those who feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and willing to do whatever it takes to feel better.
Borrowing principals from her years as a successful interior designer – which gave her a unique insight into the importance of our home environment, and how it relates to our health – Karen now designs plans that include eating clean, healthy food; living in a clean, healthy, supportive environment; and incorporating adequate sleep and exercise.
Notable Accomplishments:
Here are among Karen’s most notable accomplishments so far that have been a joy to behold.
- She has named and claimed her six-figure niche.
- Her website www.designahealthylife dot com speaks to her value and commitment and engages visitors with exciting blog content & a bi-weekly ezine.
- Her Healthy Life Toolkit is now attracting Opt-Ins and new enrollment conversations.
- She has created multiple packages that best serve her clients while also giving them the gift of choice, keeping focus on the highest value offer she makes because that is where the real transformation happens for clients and for her balance sheet.
- She gave her first successful teleseminar in late March “How To Be Celiac & Still Have a Life- Essential Lifestyle Tips for Anyone with Gluten Intolerance or Food Sensitivities!”
- She has attracted the support of area physicians who specialize in Food Sensitivities and Celiac Disease, and has lined up her coaching services to complement their on-going treatment of patients – especially those struggling with overwhelm and frustration over their new diet, and way of life
- Karen has partnered with another gluten-free coach and will be hosting her first Gluten-Free Retreat in October 2013 – details to be announced soon!
- Plans are also in the works for trips to Europe & beyond, with the emphasis on gluten-free, allergen-free travel (beginning in 2014)
- During the recent holiday season, she created a special Free Holiday Giveaway titled “44 Ways to be Gloriously Gluten-Free Through the Holidays and Beyond” – to be repeated later this year.
- Karen said, “A year ago, I was deeply immersed in my interior design business and feeling stuck. I’m now in a position to pursue my passion, and help people eat well, breathe easy, and create healthy homes and lives for themselves and their families. I’m confident in my ability to reach people globally, and to do whatever I can to make a difference in this world.”
— Karen Trubner-Kent, CEO Design a Healthy Life
“I have made significant progress toward getting ready and known”
Before working with Nancy, this was my situation. I did not have my specific niche; I had a very boring too much detail bio, a lame website and a mix match of my social media venues. I was having such a hard time finding someone to understand what I wanted and needed. I was so ready to step into the next level of my business and felt like it would all move forward with grace and confidence working with Nancy. I had taken some of Nancy’s courses and was so excited and thrilled when she decided to develop her one on one coaching program. I took that opportunity immediately and so happy that I did. Nancy has guided and supported me beyond words. She helped me create the image and my title (Self-Love Sherpa) that assisted me greatly in creating the foundation for my complete coaching program. I now come up #1 in a Google search for Self-Love Sherpa. Now that’s amazing!! She also suggested and helped me develop a complimentary opt in gift known as “Your Self-Love Assessment” which has been quite successful in encouraging people to sign up.
Now, six months later, things have changed for the better. I have made significant progress toward getting ready and known, and the getting paid piece is coming soon. I now have a fabulous website and an awesome bio that includes all my personal experiences and how it accents my coaching style and understanding others trials and tribulations. I completed my 7 module on-line Self-Love Journey Signature program with video, MP3 and transcripts and is now posted on my new website. Nancy suggested and assisted in my first PR release to include my article released to 329 leads including Fox, CBS and NBC just to name a few.
Here is a list of some of my additional great accomplishments:
- Joint venture with Momentum Media 33 utilizing the 7 module signature system as part of their 10 module coach certification program;
- Awarded VIP of the Year by Worldwide Who’s Who;
- TV/Internet Interview with Conscious Evolution Media – Steve Toth;
- Joint venture with Daytona Beach Festival of Colors event – first time event in the area
- Developed Self Love Tip of the Week – posted to my website and social media venues
- Developed Monthly Self-Love Newsletter
- All Social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter and Spiritual Networks) updated with new bio and inspiring wording to include a more professional LinkedIn. 1364 friends and likes on Facebook. Postings viewed and likes increased
- Invited to interview on Cable TV with Living Consciously May 25
I highly recommend hiring and working with Nancy to put your business on the success map. You will definitely be so happy that you did and it will be one of your best and most rewarding experiences. She really does give her clients her all. Nancy truly cares and supports you through all your steps in growing your business while providing you a firm and stable foundation. She is an absolute jewel to work with. You will be so amazed to see her in action and what she does with words to make you shine with love and light. I have so much respect and gratitude for her gifts, ethics and honesty. So if you are looking for that special coach that will guide, support and love you into your grandest being, then go no farther for Nancy is the one.
— Wendy Baudín, Self-Love Sherpa & Wisdom Guide
“You have given me not only what I asked for, but also what I needed and didn’t even know that I needed”
“I am proud to work with you and call you my mentor. You have given me not only what I asked for, but also what I needed and didn’t even know that I needed, which was help clarifying my message on my website. The greatest complement I have received was from one of the upper managers in one of the top drug companies worldwide, who shared with me that my website had all of the elements that he had been taught a good website should have, and the best personal website he had ever seen! Wow, what a compliment, and I owe it all to you, Nancy.
‘I am so pleased the universe put us together, your value, kindness, honesty, and patience, is outstanding. Thanks for all you have done, and I look forward to continued connection with you in the future.
“Here’s to both our continued success!”
— Jena Questen, DVM,