Check out the highlight video created by Gina O’Daniel of O’Daniel Designs from the 2nd Annual Publici-Tea™ and Book Publishing Summit, held last Friday, December 10 at the beautiful Seattle Design Center.  Patrick Snow and I delighted our guests with useful tips, resources, and inspiration to finally get our books done and to step up, stand out and SHINE as experts in our fields.

If you missed the live event, be sure to visit before Christmas 2010 so you can benefit from the two content-rich audio files, the PowerPoint presentation, the Rock Star Status Reality Check, and more.  It’s my holiday gift to you, provided you opt-in before Christmas. I’ll donate 5% of net profits from any sales made to the DIY Publicity Store between now and then to Rise N Shine.

Isn’t it time to step up, stand out and SHINE in all your brilliance to make 2011 your best year ever?  Let me hear you say “YES!”  If not now then when?  If not you, then who.  If not this, then what?  Yes is the answer.