The rave reviews for the Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Training Event continue to flow, and it is very rewarding — both for my guests and for me. Here are just a few of the glowing comments guests shared as a result of their experience last Friday:

“Enthusiastic, personable, power-packed five hours with media maven Nancy Juetten was fabulous. Nancy, one of Seattle‘s most valuable treasures, imparted her knowledge with humor and materials to get me started toward achieving my goals of greater publicity.”

Kay Zatine, Windermere Real Estate,

Nancy, you are as handy as a pocket in a shirt and a wonderful resource to have at my fingertips.”

Don Burrows,

Nancy is chock full of useful tips and resources. She is generous with what she knows.”

Sara Roller,

“It was a casual setting, and Nancy helped me understand the secret to setting myself apart from other people who are in similar lines of work. The seminar rocked. I got lots of new inspirations. It shook the cob webs out. Nancy was an informative and approachable speaker. She gave each person individual time, too.”

Trish Nerney, Eastside Uptown Girl, Post Intelligencer Reader Blogger

The seats for the April 18 event are going fast. I have room for ten business owners, and only three spaces remain. If you want one of them to be yours, sign up now. The next event is May 16.