In March of this year, a young, inspiring business man of 23 named Hoan Do attended the Publici-Tea™ Workshop, and today his story is on the cover of NW Asian Weekly.  Hoan has written a book for college graduates called “Succeeding in the Real World: What School WON’T Teach You.”

Now, he is applying many of the lessons he learned at the Publici-Tea™ to promote his book.  He’s got a video on Facebook, event notices at many of the social networks, and he’ll be speaking in Kane Hall at the University of Washington on June 4, from 6:30–9 p.m. to inspire soon-to-be college graduates and their parents about his message.   For more information, call 206-257-9515 or visit

I congratulate Hoan for getting into powerful DIY publicity action to bring attention to his inspired book so others can benefit from his message.   A cover story is certainly a compelling and efficient way to share the message.  My wish is that hundreds of the right people attend Hoan’s presentation at Kane Hall to benefit from what he has to say.

My Request for You Today: If you know of anyone in your life who can benefit from Hoan’s inspiring message, please track back to this post so your friends, colleagues, and others can learn what Hoan has brewing.

And, if earning this kind of favorable publicity is on your wish list, register now for the May 15 Publici-Tea™ in Bellevue or the June 12 Publici-Tea™ in Portland, OR.  Visit this link now. I am building a powerful community of publicity savvy business people who are earning their own publicity without spending a fortune or spinning their wheels.  Won’t you join us?