I met Krista Dunk at the North Seattle Community College Network Breakfast during one of my valued invitations to spread the good news about DIY publicity and powerful tools such as Help A Reporter Out.  This free media query service, by the way, just celebrated its one-year anniversary with nearly 70,000 happy subscribers.

Krista immediately got into action as a result of me sharing useful tips to earn quality media results for her NW Wedding Place company and her Blog Talk Radio Show.  Here, Krista shares some of those results.

Hi Nancy,

Just wanted to share some of my PR wins, thanks to your ideas and strategies! You love to recommend HARO , and you are right to do so. HARO has given me many PR opportunities that I wouldn’t otherwise known about. Here are some examples:

  • Video question accepted: https://www.toiletpaperentrepreneur.com/blog/how-to-schedule-important-things-video
  • Twitter interview about the Koinonia Business Women’s organization: www.twitter.com/kbwomen
  • Blog Talk Radio Interviews by CWAHM.com and Barry Moltz on business topics!
  • One of 50 women business owner profiles selected for HerStartup.com’s Women Giving Back project.
  • NWweddingplace.com information included in the Spring 2009 Northwest Meetings & Events magazine.

These are just to name a few! You mentioned the HARO service during our KBWomen Radio interview with you on March 12th, along with other great advice for our listeners. In a nutshell…. Nancy rocks. It’s just that simple. Thanks for all that you do!

Krista Dunk, www.KBWomen.com, www.NWweddingplace.com

If you would like to benefit as Krista has, keep reading this blog.  And, when the timing and opportunity are perfect for you, sign up to attend the Publici-Tea™ Half-Day Workshop.  There is nothing quite like being in a room with 12-14 inspired and publicity-worthy businesses for a half-day of tea, Seattle Chocolates, Biscot-Tea™, connection, and conversation to catapult you into inspired DIY publicity action.   Seats are already selling fast for the Friday, May 15, 2009.   Publici-Tea™ taking place at the Village Bellevue from 12:30 – 5 p.m. Click here to assure your place.