Read all about it here.

The Get Away with GMA Contest rewards individuals who have done something extraordinary for their community, making friends and neighbors thankful for the effort. As a winner, Todd will receive a trip for two aboard the November 19, 2009 pre-inaugural sailing of Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas including round trip air transportation. Todd and the other winners will be in the audience when Good Morning America broadcasts live from the Oasis of the Seas on Friday, November 20, 2009.

Todd  Martini is one of 15 nationwide winners, and KOMO TV 4 News — the Seattle affiliate of the ABC television station — will be interviewing him in connection with this story.

This just goes to show that responding to national contests that are well supported by the media can bring abundant rewards in your own backyard and well beyond.

Congratulations Todd Martini for getting into action and making something really fabulous happen for your business and everyone around the nation who can benefit from what you offer to consumers through Alex’s Coupons.