Today I am very grateful to my virtual assistant Janica Smith who issued a persuasive pitch to some influential blogs a few days ago and earned a fabulous mention for the Publici-Tea™-TO-GO! gift bundles at this link.  What a thrill to have the message about this cause-related initiative travel all the way to — which couldn’t be a more perfect placement for this news.

I am also grateful to Heidi Richards Mooney for being a hearty advocate for how I serve.  She discovered me via a “Google Alert” on September 1, 2007 — the first day this blog went “live.”  She invited me to participate in a the worldwide virtual media summit with a number of prominent internet marketers earlier this year.  She subsequently invited me and the other internet marketing and promotion experts to contribute to a powerful e-Book called Get Media Savvy – The Woman’s Guide to Promote Your Products, Services to the World.  (This e-book, incidentally, is included with just about every Authentic Visibility information product I sell as a special, value-added bonus.) Now, she has graciously connected me with these experts, and a number of them have agreed to advocate for the Publici-Tea-TO-GO! gift bundle to their followers.   I am honored by her support, the doors she has opened for me to share my gifts with others, and the doors still to open because of her willing heart and generous spirit.  If you have not yet looked into benefiting from the quality programming Heidi creates through Women’s E-Commerce Association International, you would be well served to check it out at this link.

Today I heard Award-Winning Speaker and Speech Coach Patricia Fripp say that the Internet is God’s gift to the small business owner, speaker, and professional service provider.  And I would say, “She is absolutely right.”   I never would have met Heidi Richards Mooney had it not been for my blog launching at the perfect time.  I wouldn’t have had a connection to the 15 internet marketing gurus and fellow co-authors for the Get Media Savvy E-Guide without that initial connection.  Now, many more doors are opening.  And I have never met one of these people in person.  We’ve found ways to connect authentically through the power of email and the strength of a blog that makes a winning impression.  It’s just wonderful how the internet levels the playing field and makes so many things possible for business owners of all sizes, thanks to the strength of one’s communication skills.

Let me add that Patricia’s speaker training is beyond fabulous.  I can hardly wait to return tomorrow for the second day of the 2-Day speaker school she is teaching in Redmond, WA.  I know my future speeches and Publici-Tea™ Workshops will be all the better for lessons I am learning to serve you all better.   And, speaking of which, there is still time to register for the Nov. 14 Publici-Tea™ Workshop.  Now that the election is over, are you ready to shift focus toward the task of building the buzz about your business?  I’d be honored to have you in the room to benefit from the powerful lessons you can learn to advance your own publicity success without spending a fortune or spinning your wheels.  Register here.