– a Comforting & Inspiring Way to Build Business Buzz and Do Something Wonderful for Women Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
What could be better?
Tea, chocolate, inspiration, and practical tools to empower and nurture
do-it-yourself publicity success without ever leaving the office!

Publici-Tea™-TO-GO is a bundle of comfort, joy, and DIY publicity inspiration that engages all of your senses, captures your attention,
and compels you into DIY action to realize ready results with confidence.
And 10% of the net profits from the sale of every Publici-Tea™-TO-GO gift sold year-round will be donated to Northwest Hope and Healing, a non-profit organization that provides healing baskets and other essential services to women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

- Do you want to sell more of your products, services, and expertise?
- Do you want to employ influential and lasting ways to set your company apart from the competition?
- Do you want to learn how to pitch an article the media can’t resist?
- And, do you have the money to engage professional service providers to get the job done?
If you answered “YES” to the first three questions and “NO” to the third, Publici-Tea™-TO-GO can help you in short order — just in time to invite more success with greater ease.
Publici-Tea™-TO-GO invites you to quickly learn how to get seen, heard, and celebrated in the media for your winning ways in the time it takes to enjoy a good cup of tea.
- Treat yourself to premium Seattle Chocolates and Biscot-Tea™ as you ponder unlimited DIY publicity possibilities to fuel your own Prosperi-Tea and sip tea from a mug that will make you smile every time you use it.
- Listen to a 44-minute CD with work-in-the-trenches publicist, “Media Savvy” newspaper columnist, and award-winning entrepreneur Nancy Juetten as your guide. Nancy is fiercely committed to helping small business owners like you unlock and enjoy the power and influence of do-it-yourself publicity without spending a fortune or spinning your wheels. She offers engaging, real-life stories of publicity success and shares plenty of practical and potentially far-reaching tools and resources so you can get quoted in the media, get known as an expert, and write press releases that earn the ink and avoid the round file.
- Breeze through two easy-to-read publicity tips booklets that offer 147 powerful and proven ways to boost you business and build your profits with the power of free publicity. Business owners and PR experts alike rave about the quality tips within the pages of these booklets. And don’t miss the time-tested and mostly free online resources listed in the back of each booklet to make it even easier for you to grow your DIY publicity expertise and build the buzz about your business.
Those who have already previewed the 44-minute audio CD had great things to say about it:
“Nancy Juetten has provided a glowing example of ways to take her well-done tips booklets to a whole new product development level, distinguishing her from the crowd one more time with Publici-Tea (TM)-To-GO Gifts. The package couldn’t be any more appealing, even to the most publicity-resistant business owner. May you sell thousands and thousands of them, Nancy, to individuals and to companies who want to use them as gifts. Congratulations!”
— Paulette Ensign
The Booklet Queen
“You make publicity fun and tasty! I didn’t realize that combination could be so appealing. I’m just starting my business so I need all the insight I can get. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation and appreciate the great resources.”
— Jennifer Hay
“I truly enjoyed your every word — from the stories of Seattle Chocolate Company to Zook Hook purse hangers. Thank you for sharing your publicity expertise. I have gold nuggets that I plan to employ today.”
— Terri Blair, RD,
Registered Dietitian/President,
Nutrition & Wellness Works, Inc.
“In her typically generous way, Nancy has created a truly delicious way to celebrate yourself and your unlimited media success. Indulge yourself with this terrific mind, body, spirit package that makes doing publicity a pleasure.”
— Susan Harrow,
& author of Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul
“Thank you so very much for the dynamic, enlightening talk. It was GREAT!”
— Deanne DeMarco,
Unique Solutions,
Here is what people are saying about the Media-Savvy-To-Go tips booklets:
The Publici-Tea™ Gift Bundle is so much more valuable than I imagined when I ordered it. Besides the beautiful packaging, the sheer number of ‘use it right now!’ tips, techniques, ideas, and information was amazing. I started listening to the CD like I do most others (while multi-tasking) and had to stop and get out paper and pen and start taking notes. It’s like getting a brain-full of PR real world guidance in a pretty little package with chocolate, a cookie and a tea cup. And you get to support a great cause at the same time . Relax and enjoy the tea while you listen to the CD but keep a notebook and pen handy”
— Lora Canary, MHA,
“Don’t spend any more time or money on your publicity campaign until you read these booklets. When it comes to forming strong relations with the print, b
roadcast and online media, Nancy Juetten clearly understands that getting publicity is all about building relationships with the media, and Publicity Hounds everywhere need to read her tips. These booklets are a fabulous crash course on how to be media-savvy.”
— Joan Stewart,
The Publicity Hound,
“Solid, sound advice from writing an ezine to handling a media interview. Nancy Juetten’s booklets give you a quick checklist of everything you need to know about doing a publicity campaign.”
— Susan Harrow,
Media Coach, Marketing Strategist
& Author of Sell Yourself without Selling Your Soul,
“I read through the Media-Savvy-To-Go tips booklets and workbook this weekend, and really enjoyed them! The tone is terrific, they are easy to read and understand, and I picked up a few juicy morsels I can use right way to help promote my own business. I especially like the way the tips are interconnected, so it is more like a series of steps to reach a goal than a bunch of disparate pieces of information. These are definitely an excellent PR primer for any entrepreneur.”
— Stacy Karacostas,
Chief Navigator, Author, Speaker
SuccessStream Sales & Marketing Solutions
“Publicity is the great equalizer in marketing, and these get-to-the-point booklets will help you accomplish in days what some companies take years trying to figure out. These are definitely packed with insider secrets on how to win by making your name known.”
— Henry DeVries,
author of Client Seduction
“I just read Nancy Juetten’s ‘Media-Savvy-To-Go’ booklets and am newly equipped with so many ready-to-implement ideas for my clients and my own business. When colleagues in my circles talk about public relations experts, Nancy’s name inevitably comes up and for good reason. Nancy achieves the kind of success most of us dream of, and her clients benefit from Nancy’s desire to truly understand their business and then craft a story that magically meets the needs of the media that day.”
— Lauri Jordana,
Conexión Marketing
“I LOVED reading these booklets. How inspiring and light, yet grounded and action-packed. It’s like INSTANT MEDIA SAVVY in a #10 envelope!”
— Michele Lisenbury Christensen,
Working with Power LLC
“This booklet is a must for any small- or medium-sized business that wants to get its story in the media. Nancy Juetten has done a great job of pulling together all the tricks of the trade in a well-organized, easy-to-read format that is sure to be used as a go-to reference by anyone who is serious about obtaining instant media success.”
— Cynthia Flash,
Media consultant and owner,
Flash Media Services
“Publicity is the great equalizer in marketing, and these get-to-the-point booklets will help you accomplish in days what some companies take years trying to figure out. These are definitely packed with insider secrets on how to win by making your name known.”
— Henry DeVries,
author of Client Seduction
If you are inspired to jump into action to earn your own winning headlines without paying big bucks, Publici-Tea™-TO-GO is an affordable, welcome and timely gift to enjoy that can help everyone make magic happen in the media for your growing business in short order.
Treat yourself and the small business owners in your network to the gift of Publici-Tea™-TO-GO, build business buzz and do something important for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
Enjoy Special, High Value Bonuses by Immediate Digital Download When You Order Your Publici-Tea™-TO-GO Gift Experience Today.
- An engaging and content rich audio file entitled “How to Get Known as an Expert – an Interview with Nancy Juetten and Kathleen Gage.”
- A second audio file entitled, “How to Pitch an Article the Media Can’t Resist and Why You Should.”
- A written transcript of the “How to Pitch an Article the Media Can’t Resist and Why You Should” presentation so you can read along as you listen and appeal to both styles of learning to your best advantage.
A special bonus report called “How to Pitch an Article the Media Can’t Resist” that makes it easy and time efficient for you to do exactly that. If this is the only tool in the bundle that you put to work immediately, you, your expertise, and your business will be well served.
- And, you’ll receive GET MEDIA SAVVY, The Ultimate eGuide to Promote Your Products, Services and Ideas to the World. It is filled with advice from 14 experts on media, marketing, public relations, and promotion, including Raleigh Pinskey, Shannon Cherry, Rhonda Day, Catherine Franz, Dina Giolitto, Paul Hartunian, Penny Haynes, Michelle Howe, Annie Jennings, Meredith Pond, Lori Prokop, Heidi Richards, Rosalind Sedacca, and Nancy Juetten.

With such abundant information immediately at your fingertips, you’ll have plenty of reasons to sip tea, ponder your Prosperi-Tea, and be inspired into DIY publicity action to enjoy inspired media results again and again.
The retail value of this fabulous Publici-Tea™-TO-GO gift experience of chocolate, tea, Biscot-Tea™, practical information, support, and useful tools is $95. It’s yours to enjoy and savor for just $57.

Won’t you be among the first to place your order today?
I’d be honored and proud to welcome your purchases — just in time for holiday gift giving!

Yes Nancy! Send Publici-Tea™-to-Go to me immediately. I can’t wait to savor the information, get into action to build the buzz about my business, and feel great that 10% of the net profits for this sale will be donated to the Northwest Hope & Healing Foundation.
y $57 plus tax, shipping, and handling (USA only)- Buy Now. |
10% of the net profits from the sale of every Publici-Tea™-TO-GO gift sold year-round will be donated to Northwest Hope and Healing, a non-profit organization that provides healing baskets and other essential services to women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.

To learn more about and contribute to the Northwest Hope and Healing Foundation, visit www.nwhopeandhealing.org.

To learn even more about tools and resources to support your DIY publicity success, visit the DIY publicity blog at authenticvisibility.com.
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